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Please be advised that NCI Wiki will be undergoing maintenance Monday, July 22nd between 1700 ET and 1800 ET and will be unavailable during this period.
Please ensure all work is saved before said time.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the CBIIT Atlassian Management Team.




Discussion items

Deployment 6.5.3
  • Status - UriResolver. Might be down
    • Jason will follow up with Tracy Truong
  • QA testing against Stage had issues with different data
    • Swathi says should be done today
  • Data deployment at same time - Ops would need ticket number
    • Jason will send software deployment ticket and send Yang and Tracy the ticket #
    • Yang or I will enter data deployment with comment "Do at the same time as ticket # x"
  • Metathesaurus indexes were incomplete. I increased memory on the RebuildIndex and LoadMetaBatch scripts
    • Default memory increased, please
    • Tracy will look up and send the current memory that is working

value set config

During main processing value_set_report.config generated and copies to /priv-file-repo/lexevsdb/deploy

Ops needs to manually copy to /local/content/evs/ncitbrowser

Connie knows and will update SOP

Graph DB
  • Ready for formal code review on loader
    • code review Wed or Thurs
  • Still need hooks into the main loader
    • Some issues with names with odd characters
    • Had to build a name processor to parse those
  • Will this work for any vocab?
    • Have tested with OBIB and everything loaded to QA database
    • Meta currently takes 18 hours
  • How will users interact with this?
    • REST calls

Usage stats
  • Sitestats - uses Apache logs
  • Google analytics - how do we access the data generated from here.
    • Admin needs to assign tracking code to each application
    • I can send email to Clint
    • Can GA even look at an API?
  • AWS - not connected to SiteStats
    • Have we been given any guidance on collecting API statistics
    • Ruth had something, Jason will go back and look for it

Action items
