Semantic Infrastructure Services |
Semantic Infrastructure Metadata Specialist User Story 3:
Supporting interoperability standards (e.g. Healthcare Datatypes)
Domain Description
ISO 21090, otherwise known as HL7 Healthcare Datatypes, provide a basic representation of common chunks of data exchanged in the healthcare community, such as Address, Document, and Coded List. A metadata specialist has been tasked to expose some clinical research data in a standards-based approach. She sits down to her modeling tool, and, as a first step, imports the healthcare data types from the caBIG metadata repository. She begins replacing what were complex sets of classes and attributes in her existing model with these standard datatypes. The resulting system is not only simplified, but is also interoperable by virtue of using ISO 21090.
Technical Description
The metadata repository allows for the representation of any standard as long as it can be encoded in UML. ISO 21090 is such as standard, and can easily be exported into XMI and imported into a modeling tool. In UML, these classes can be represented as complex types and applied to attributes rather than associations.