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Initial Analysis:





Requirement # unique id <SemConOps Initiative>.<analysts initials><requirement number>
e.g. Init1dbw1
(eventually linked to Use Cases)


Originator/Customer's Name:

John Koisch, Paul Boyes, Linda Schmandt                                                                

Originator/Customer's Company:

Guidekire Architecture, Guidewire Architecture, University of Pittsburgh

Summary of requirement initial analysis, by Reviewer: (as unambiguously as possible, describe who (List of Actors) is interacting with the system, what the business goal is and how the system might support the actor's ability to acheive their goal)

This requirement is based on an interview documented at:

Business goal: To allow developers/reviewers to find conformance profiles that standardardize semantic and functional descriptions for services

Actor: Information Technologist or conformance/compatibility reviewer

An information specialist would like to develop a service that conforms to an existing conformance profile. He uses a browser to search the conformance profile that overlaps with the business goals of his service OR A reviewer have noticed a conformance profile was cited in one of the specifications provided by developer and wants to learn the details of profile. In this case the reviewer uses browser to search the profile cited in specifications.
The browser interacts with a conformance profile registry or repository that stores conformance profiles.
The search function can use different portions of conformance profile to formulate a query:
- Semantic Profile
    Information model component names/annotations(class/attribute names)
    Component descriptions
 -Functional Profile:
    Operation definitions/names
    Operation annotation/description
- Usage Context:
    Free style text search on Constraints, pre-conditions, organizational/ geopolitical/ temporal boundaries, or other pertinent contextual information
- Profile Metadata

Following search, using browser, the selected conformance profiles should be able to transformed to artifacts helping service implementation (e.g. WSDL). Browser should also provide a human readable version of conformance profile.

Recommended Next Step Enter one: Follow-up interview, Observe, Use Case Template (text), Use Case Model (formalized/UML diagram), Group Discussion, Prototype, Waiting Room

Follow up interview with an architect and a reviewer for further detailing the requirement for use case development. John Koisch and/or Paul Boyes can be contacted for appropriate contact. Linda Schmant, leading SAEFE/ECCF  small group, can be contacted as a reviewer. 

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