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Semantic Infrastructure Developer User Story 2:
Support standardized processes for software development and conformance

Domain Description

caEHR is the flagship project that is applying the ECCF process, which, when applied effectively, should produce specifications that can be used to evaluate how and at what levels various information systems are interoperable. This is important to enabling coordination of IT resources across the community of NCI stakeholders. The caEHR project is currently creating and managing various artifacts (CFSS, PIM, PSM) manually. Significant challenges include: 1) managing traceability and change; 2) formulating conformance assertions so that they can be evaluated; 3) collaborating on model elements (i.e. distributed model authoring).
The application of the ECCF process is facilitated by providing a formal model of ECCF artifacts. As an example, this supports traceability among artifacts, the ability to generate artifacts, and the synchronization of artifacts.

Technical Description

ECCF artifacts can be defined fully within UML, which can be stored in the metadata repository. This would allow the artifacts to be queried, manipulated, compared, and exported.

Cross Reference

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