This page explains the process for Semantic Infrastructure Requirements Elicitation.
The main steps for Semantic Infrastructure requirements elicitation include (in order):
- Document Initial Requirements
- Use Semantic Infrastructure Concept of Operations Initiative 5 Compliance "Activities" column to validate the suggested next step is approved. It should be either "A- Decompose forum and other materials" or "A - Initial Analysis
- Add a new page under Wiki page for Requirements Questionnaires using the 2009-10 Requirements Refinement Script Template. Link to this new page from Semantic Infrastructure Concept of Operations Initiative 5 Compliance "Requirements Link" column
- Fill out the template above (at least the initial analysis section) using the available materials/documents for the requirement
- Update Semantic Infrastructure Concept of Operations Initiative 5 Compliance "Activities" column to:
- Indicate the "Initial Analysis" is completed (e.g. C – Initial Analysis)
- Indicate the suggested next step by adding a new line to "Activities" column with status code "W" (Waiting for Approval). As requirement analyst, you can suggest one of the possible activities as next step (e.g. W – Interview Mr. Doe). Typically the next step is either a "Interview" (if further clarification needed) or "Use Case Analysis" (if the requirement is clear from the materials provided)
- Conduct a Requirement Interview with requirement's point of contact
- Use Semantic Infrastructure Concept of Operations Initiative 5 Compliance "Activities" column to validate the suggested next step is approved. It should be similar to "A- Interview Mr. Doe"
- Arrange an interview with Point of Contact via email (or phone). An example email that can be sent to interviewee looks like:
My name is RA NAME. I am contacting you today because NCI and caBIG are working toward a new and improved version of the semantic infrastructure to better support integration scenarios (PLACE YOURS HERE). Our first step was to organize requirements collected over the past year. I'm working as a requirement analyst for this effort.You have expressed requirement/need for tools to do SUMMARY OF REQUIREMENT (CITATION IF AVAILABLE ). This has been identified as potentially a critical component to support application/data and service integration, and we need more information in order to enable us to meet this requirement.I would like to setup a ~1 hour call with you to further elaborate on the requirements. I would appreciate if you can respond to following poll for me to setup a time for the call:
DODDLE or OTHER POLL URLPlease let me know if you have any questions.Thanks, YOUR NAME and TITLE, COMPANY, PHONE NUMBER, EMAIL etc.. - Conduct the interview
- Fill out the 2009-10 Requirements Refinement Script Template using the information gathered during the interview.
- Update Semantic Infrastructure Concept of Operations Initiative 5 Compliance "Activities" column to:
- Indicate the "Interview" is completed (e.g. C – Interview)
- Indicate the suggested next step by adding a new line to "Activities" column with status code "W" (Waiting for Approval). As requirement analyst, you can suggest one of the possible activities as next step. Typically the next step is "Use Case Analysis/Development".
- Develop Use Cases
- Use Semantic Infrastructure Concept of Operations Initiative 5 Compliance
"Activities" column to validate the suggested next step is approved. It should be similar to "A- Use Case Analysis/Development" - Until all use cases are captured:
- Add a new page under Wiki page for Uses Cases for Semantic Requirements using the Use Cases Template|]. Link to this new page from Semantic Infrastructure Concept of Operations Initiative 5 Compliance "Requirements Link" column.
- Fill out the template above (at least the initial analysis section) with the Requirements material from previous steps. Alternatively one can develop a hierarchy of use cases, e.g. starting from higher level use cases to lower levels.
- Develop UML diagrams for use cases and attach the model document to the page created above.
- As needed, conduct interviews with requirement Point of Contact (from the previous step) to clarify/validate draft use cases similar to Requirement Interview
- Update Semantic Infrastructure Concept of Operations Initiative 5 Compliance "Activities" column to indicate the "Use case analysis/development" is completed (e.g. C – Use Case Analysis/Development)
- Use Semantic Infrastructure Concept of Operations Initiative 5 Compliance