Author: Craig Stancl
Team: LexEVS
Contract: ST12-1106
National Institutes of Heath
US Department of Health and Human Services
Sign off | Date | Role | CBIIT or Stakeholder Organization | Reviewer's Comments (If disapproved indicate specific areas for improvement.) |
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The purpose of this document is to collect, analyze, and define high-level needs for and designed features of the National Cancer Institute Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology (NCI CBIIT) caCORE LexEVS Release 6.1. The focus is on the functionalities proposed by the stakeholders and target users to make a better product.
Design Scope
Please view the LexEVS 6.1 Scope document (LexEVS 6.1 Scope Document)
JIRA items
Please view the LexEVS 6.1 JIRA items (LexEVS 6.1 JIRA Items)
Use Cases and Requirements Mapping
Please view the LexEVS 6.1 Use Case Document and the LexEVS 6.1 Requirements Mapping Document.
Detailed Design
The following sections specify how the design will satisfy the requirements.
Detailed Design - CTS 2 REST Services
Please view the detailed design: LexEVS 6.1 Design Document - Detailed Design - CTS2 REST Services
Detailed Design - Loader - OWL2
Please view the detailed design:LexEVS 6.1 Design Document - Detailed Design - Loader - OWL2
Detailed Design - Loader - HL7 MIF
Please view the detailed design:LexEVS 6.1 Design Document - Detailed Design - Loader - HL7 MIF
Detailed Design - Loader - MedDRA
Please view the detailed design:LexEVS 6.1 Design Document - Detailed Design - Loader - MedDRA
Detailed Design - Performance - Hierarchy Traversal
Please view the detailed design:LexEVS 6.1 Design Document - Detailed Design - Performance - Hierarchy Traversal
Detailed Design - Performance - Text Search (Contains)
Please view the detailed design:LexEVS 6.1 Design Document - Detailed Design - Performance - Text Search (Contains)
Detailed Design - Performance - Value Set Resolution (Persistence)
Please view the detailed design:LexEVS 6.1 Design Document - Detailed Design - Performance - Value Set Resolution (Persistence)