- Qinyan demo'd tool for converting LIDC to AIM
- Notes on LIDC conversion process:
- Run LIDC --> AIM conversion against the NCIA downloaded XML
- Run MAX against the NCIA downloaded XML
- Run LIDC --> AIM conversation against the MAX'd XML to create annotation of annotation
- Notes on LIDC conversion process:
- Discussed significance of "DateRequest" and "TimeRequest" fields in original XML
- convert this to something in AIM? or just scrap it?
- Sam: there was also a "DateService" field but this is not in every XML
- the most important of any of this is the DateRequest - this is the time that the XML was completed by the LIDC group
- This information will be stored in the datetime element of the ? class (Qinyan will find out).
- AIM requires a study date field
- this information is not in the original XMLs
- since we don't have this information our options are to use an obviously false date or pull it from the dicom
- consensus on the call was to use a reference date
- if possible can we use a format like "99-99-9999" to satisfy the format but have it clearly show it's not a real date?
- Is the Study Date in the AIM annotation required to accurately represent the image with its annotation in an AIM-enabled browser like IPAD/Osirix or AIM-ClearCanvas?
- Prioritization of remaining tasks
- NCIA team has put together a tentative project plan
- John/Justin will review with Qinyan to help prioritize tasks and ensure plan makes sense
- Validating the conversion upon completion
- we could use some of these AIM compliant viewers to visualize the AIM and see if the markup is redrawn properly
- John mentioned the possibility of using Northwestern's ClearCanvas plugin once it's ready
- Mike mentioned we might even be able to do this with AVT - should coordinate with Bob Schwanke
- for validating the other information (not drawn marks) Sam has a lot of additional information about the cases in batch 1 that might help us confirm accuracy
- Mike said that visualizing side-by-side the original in QIWS and the AIM versions in an AIM-enabled browser would be necessary