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October 11, 2017

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Meeting Presentation

Welcome to the October 11th CTRP User Call!  The topics covered in the 10-11-2017 Presentation are as follows:

  • CTRP DT4 Reporting
    • Scope of Trials on Report
    • Observational and Ancillary-Correlative Studies
    • Multi-site Trial: Source of Data
    • Trial Status Transition Rules
    • Accrual Reporting
    • Basket/Umbrella Trials
    • Trial Phase
    • Special Notes: No duplicate trials and a closed date may be provided on report, even if it is after the time period of the report.
    • Data Elements/References
    • Submission Process
    • New CTRP Data Reporting System
  • Recent CTRP Updates
  • Planned CTRP Updates


  • Program Code is required to have a complete Data Table 4 (DT4) submission but is not a CTRP requirement.
  • CTRP supports the following patient-level disease coding systems: CTEP SDC, ICD-9, ICD-10, and ICD-03.  If there are issues with submission, please contact the help desk,
  • All data for NCI-MATCH and other National trials comes internally from NCI Systems.  Centers do not report directly to CTRP, data is reported on a Center’s behalf.  Centers are responsible for submitting Center-specific DT4 data such as Program Code and Center Target Enrollment. 
  • CTRP DT4 will include a column for Local Trial ID.  Centers may add a Local Trial ID for any trial, e.g. internal IRB number.   Centers may submit a request to batch load Local Trials IDs.
  • CTRP can generate a CSV and PDF version of CTRP DT4.
  • Centers specify the Fiscal Year and Reporting Period for the CTRP DT4.  A Center may select any date range they like for the DT4 report.  Selecting a specific Fiscal Year does not select specific date ranges.
  • CTRP DT4 relies on the lead org for the overall trial and participating site status open and close dates.  NCI understands the overall trial may be open before a Center opens to accrual.
  • CTRP provides a Services Interface for any Commercial Vendor that would want to directly connect with CTRP. 
  • CTRP Site Admins may designate others at their Center to run a CTRP DT4 report.  Please contact with any questions. 
  • Imported/Abbreviated/Industry Trials


  • NCI will explore providing the NCI ID in a separate column instead of concatenating with the “Other IDs” section of the CTRP DT4.
  • No labels