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NCI's Clinical Trials Reporting Program (CTRP) fulfills a recommendation made by the NCI Clinical Trials Working Group (CTWG) to the National Cancer Advisory Board, and reiterated by the Institute of Medicine’s report titled A National Cancer Clinical Trials System for the 21st Century: Reinvigorating the NCI Cooperative Group Program. CTRP is designed to be a comprehensive database of regularly updated information, including accrual, on all NCI-supported clinical trials. This comprehensive database of the entire NCI portfolio will help identify gaps in clinical research and duplicative studies, as well as facilitate effective clinical trial prioritization.

Trials managed by the Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program (CTEP) or Division of Cancer Prevention (DCP) Protocol and Information Offices (PIOs) and trials managed by the Center for Cancer Research (CCR) will be registered by the NCI and do not need to be registered separately in CTRP by the institution conducting the trial.  All other NCI-supported trials will be registered directly in CTRP by the institution conducting and/or participating in the trial.

For further information about CTRP see

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