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You must have a username and password to use the web application. Additionally, you must have special permission to run the reports. For assistance, contact us at

  1. Visit The login page appears. Specify your user name (email address) and password. Click Sign In. Follow the prompts to complete 2-step verification. The home page appears. Click Automated Reports. The Report Settings dialog box appears for the CTRP Data Table 4 report.

  2. Click Cancel. From the list of reports, select CTRP Biomarkers. The Report Settings dialog box appears.

  3. Consider whether to specify trial attribute criteria for the report:
    • To list all trials by biomarker: Leave all fields blank.
    • To limit the report to trials with a particular biomarker: In the Biomarker Name field, enter the biomarker name.
    • To limit the report to trials with a particular intervention: In the Intervention Name field, enter the intervention name.
    • To limit the report to trials with a particular disease site: From the Disease Site drop-down list, select the disease site.

    • To limit the report to trials with a particular organization as the lead organization: From the Lead Organization drop-down list, select the organization.

  4. Click Submit. For information about the columns included in the report, refer to Data Elements Included in the CTRP Biomarkers Report.

To return to the Report Settings dialog box, click Report Settings. For additional instructions, refer to Working with CTRP Automated Reports.