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Discussion items


Restructure of meeting
Will now do whole team items, then split to just operations
Graph data loads
  • MedDRA and ICD10, ICD10CM, DUO, Snoned, NCIt loaded by Scott
  • Metathesaurus to be loaded - memory intensive so wait until after hours. Space constraints might impact load
  • Need to figure out promotion scheme for graph data - Arango DB 3.5.1. Check documentation for possible tools
  • Loading the Graph Database into ArangoDb for a Given Terminology
  • LexEVS loader, uses ArangoDB connector for Java. Pulls from LexEVS into Arango, so needs to be loaded into LexEVS first
  • How do you drop a vocab from graph database? Using Arango's interface tool.
  • How will we drop data from upper tiers? Will be part of promotion scheme

Other data loads needed for Dev?
Is OK to have these 6 for now. Can load others on request

AWS stage/prod
  • Ticket entered for shutting down on-prem stage
  • Requesting new 60 day QA license
  • Other licenses expire in March
  • CTRP still being used by MDS, so still need to maintain for now
  • Prod setup - working on Jenkins workflow for data deployment with Elastic Search

Arango on AWS
Has a very simple dump and import function. Will address on Wednesday when Systems is on the line

Iterator meeting this afternoon
Test page working but still need Jenkins configuration.
OperationsMonthly processing
20.02d Yang TS, Tracy LexEVS. Sharon out this week so config file will be next week.

DUO loaded on DataQA. To be published with NCIt. Lori already has blurb to send to Lyubov

Waiting on government to renew Stardog licenses for all tiers

Transfer between AWS and on-prem can be done by copying the whole data directory. Will migrate to complete AWS stack within the next 2 months.

On-prem MDS has their own format and some properties like mainTypes. Bryan says we can add an endpoint on AWS to mimic MDS - but has a long TODO list already

Metathesaurus in March?
Lots of editing and QA, but should be end of March.

Action items
