Weighted Double Metaphone Implementation Details
Search with the Lucene query syntax, using a 'sounds like' algorithm. The exact user-entered text is taken into account, so correct spelling will override the 'sounds like' algorithm. Searches on the same indexed property value as the other double metaphone search.
The Weighted Double Metaphone search has the following characteristics:
- This search is case in-sensitive.
- It searches on the double metaphone property value and the property value.
- Preference is given to the matches with the correct spelling.
Parsing is done with the following analyzers:
dm_propertyValue - Uses our custom double metaphone analyzer. This has the following filters:
- LowerCaseFilter - for setting to lowercase
- StopFilter - to remove stop words (the, a, etc.) from the search
- DoubleMetaphoneFilter - for testing double metaphone sounds
- LowerCaseFilter - for setting to lowercase
propertyValue - Uses our custom standard analyzer that has no stop words.
Example of use:
The following examples are based on the Automobiles coding scheme.
Example 1:
Search string: car
Lucene query: +dm_propertyValue:KR propertyValue:car
Result: 2 results
- Result 1:
- entity code: C0001
- entity description: Car
- Result 2:
- entity code: C0002
- entity description: Kar
Example 2:
Search string: kar
Lucene query: +dm_propertyValue:KR propertyValue:kar
Result: 2 results
- Result 1:
- entity code: C0002
- entity description: Kar
- Result 2:
- entity code: C0001
- entity description: Car
Associated JUnits:
Junits can be found here: https://github.com/lexevs/lexevs/blob/master/lbTest/src/test/java/org/LexGrid/LexBIG/Impl/function/query/lucene/searchAlgorithms/TestWeightedDoubleMetaphone.java