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Accomplishments this month

1) As last month, provided support to SPIE challenges

Planned for next month

Work on leaderboard error with SPIE challenge and

familiarize self with challenge ecosystem after temporary hand-off from Samarth Nandekar to Andrew Beers.



Bi-weekly Meeting #11/17/2019
Bi-weekly Meeting #21/31/2019




DescriptionResolutionStatusCreation DateClose Date

So we can only see our own scores right

So we can only see our own scores Because there are only our own scores in the email. Where can we find the leaderboard of all participant

Closed07 - January - 201914 -March - 2019

When can we see the test leaderboard When and where should we submit our paper

Hi I am sorry to bother you. However we have some questions about the challenge. We have received the emails about our test scores several days ago. However we couldnt see the test leaderboard until now. We are wondering when we can see the ranking. Meanwhile since the homepage invited every team to submit a relevant paper on the algorithm we are wondering when and where we may submit it. We would appreciate it if you could help us on the questions above. Best wishes.

Closed08 - January - 201914 -March - 2019


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