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Labels help keep related pages together, for reference by the page owners and to help other users of the site. 

This page includes the following topics:

About adding a label to a page

To separate words, use the underline character, for example: separate_words. Labels are all lowercase.

About adding a category label for a wiki space

If you have the needed permissions, you can add a category label to a space. If you do not have these permissions (are unable to see the links described in these steps), and want a space label, ask an administrator.

Display a list of content with a particular label

You have the following options:

  • Search for pages with the label (filter examplesyntax example, and URL example); the matching pages, if any, will be shown on the search results page.
  • If you are in a page that has a label or labels, select a label to view a list of content with that label.
  • Use the Content by Label macro to display a list of content having a particular label.


For instructions, refer to the following Atlassian help pages: