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Fill in the following functionalized entity information.

CompleteHow to
Entity Type

Select the functionalizing entity type.

Note:  Entity types are described in the caNanoLab Glossary.

Chemical NameEnter the chemical name for the functionalizing entity whose type you just selected.
PubChem Data Source/PubChem ID

Select one of the three PubChem data sources: Compound, Substance, or BioAssay. The database is located here: Enter the PubChem ID which is the PubChem identifier for a compound, a substance, or a bioassay.

Amount/Amount Unit

Select the appropriate values and unit for this composing element information.

Molecular Formula Type

Select the molecular formula type found in this biopolymer.

Molecular FormulaEnter the chemical formula of the functionalizing entity.
Activation Method

Select the method used to activate the functionality of the sample from the list.

If you do not have to activate the entity, select does not require activation.

Activation EffectEnter the functional effect of the entity.
DescriptionEnter any additional composition information that the form does not include.

When you are finished, click Save or Cancel to close the section without saving.

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