Fill in the following functionalized entity information.
Complete | How to |
Entity Type | Select the functionalizing entity type. Note: Entity types are described in the caNanoLab Glossary. |
Chemical Name | Enter the chemical name for the functionalizing entity whose type you just selected. |
PubChem Data Source/PubChem ID | Select one of the three PubChem data sources: Compound, Substance, or BioAssay. The database is located here: Enter the PubChem ID which is the PubChem identifier for a compound, a substance, or a bioassay. |
Amount/Amount Unit | Select the appropriate values and unit for this composing element information. |
Molecular Formula Type | |
Molecular Formula | Enter the chemical formula of the functionalizing entity. |
Activation Method | Select the method used to activate the functionality of the sample from the list. If you do not have to activate the entity, select does not require activation. |
Activation Effect | Enter the functional effect of the entity. |
Description | Enter any additional composition information that the form does not include. |
When you are finished, click Save or Cancel to close the section without saving.