Authors who use caNanoLab should acknowledge caNanoLab in their work by properly referencing samples. The majority of caNanoLab sample record information is curated from publications. For these, acknowledge the associated publication and caNanoLab either by citation or in the acknowledgements section of your publication.
Alert us by email of any publications that cite or acknowledge the use of caNanoLab to enable us to highlight it on our website. Below are options for including caNanoLab use in publications.
- Example acknowledgement: "The results <published or shown> here are in whole or partly based upon data made available through caNanoLab: For questions, contact the NCI Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology (CBIIT)."
- General caNanoLab citation: Cite the caNanoLab publication available at either Comput Sci Discover or Beilstein J Nanotechnol.
- Citing published caNanoLab data: Cite the associated publication when using information from a sample record in caNanoLab. Publication information can be found under the Publication Tab on the left-hand side Navigation Tree for each sample.
- Citing unpublished caNanoLab data (no associated publication record): Cite the caNanoLab sample page using the following format –Sample Name, caNanoLab Data Portal, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland. World Wide Web (URL: [Date data retrieved (month, year)].