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The Update Sample page enables you to update sample information, update access to the sample, and generate data availability access.

Updating data after it is Public

Once data is made Public, you can update the data, but it will be retracted from Public, and you will need to submit it to the curator again for review.

  1. Fill in the following information as needed.

    To export sample information, refer to Exporting Sample Information to JSON or XML - include.
    General Information FieldsDefinition

    Sample Name*

    The name assigned to the sample (required).

    Point of Contact*

    The site that is the source of the sample (required).

    Click Edit to edit current information. Click Add to add another point of contact. 

    When you are done editing or adding the point of contact, confirm that you have read and understood the following message, and click Save

    Enter only public business-related contact information into these fields (such as institutional points of contact used in public publications). Do not add private contact information here, as this information will be made available to the public viewing the system. The system will contact you yearly, via the email address you provide, to ask if you would like to correct, update, or delete this information. If you would like to update it earlier, contact us via


    Keyword(s) the submitter selected to associate with the selected sample.

    Access to the Sample

    For more information, refer to Sharing a Sample with a User or Group or Making a Sample Public

    If you do not add access

    If you do not add access, this item remains private and only you, the owner, can view and/or modify it.

    Data Availability Metrics

    For more information refer to Generating Data Availability Metrics

    If you paste text into an input field, review it before submitting the text to the system. Make sure the formatting (such as superscript, subscript, bold, and Italics), Greek letters, and other special characters appear as expected. For details, refer to Correcting Special Text

  2. Click Update when you are done editing the sample.

    You can also Copy and Delete the sample from the Update Sample page.

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