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  1. 2021-08-4 Monthly NCI Meeting notes

    deliverable. Action items 1 complete Sudha to check with Anna Mencarelli to provide Henry access to training videos. meeting-notes
    Proteomics Data CommonsAug 30, 2021
  2. 2021-01-19 Bento Demo Meeting notes

    to provide cost/effort and timeframe for the transition to Bento.  meeting-notes … . Discussion items Item Who Notes Demo Anjan, Michael Fleming, Amit Q&A Michael Holck , Anand 1. Do the three components (UI, API, Data
    Proteomics Data CommonsAug 30, 2021
  3. 2020-09-28 PDC-Scientific Committee Meeting notes

    15 complete Planning for next SC meeting and try to schedule for 2 hours to have adequate time meeting-notes … Item Who Notes 15 Min Introduction, PDC overview & goals - Mike MacCoss  (15 min) SC goals, responsibilities and expectations Michael MacCoss Mike
    Proteomics Data CommonsAug 30, 2021
  4. 2021-07-7 Monthly NCI Meeting notes

    the second one for consistency. meeting-notes
    Proteomics Data CommonsJul 12, 2021
  5. 2021-05-5 Monthly NCI Meeting notes

    through the CDAP process. meeting-notes … items Time Item Who Notes   Recent Releases: Data: CPTAC Public data migration Updates to CPTAC2 BRCA studies – a new versions CPTAC2
    Proteomics Data CommonsJun 01, 2021
  6. 2021-05-05 PDC Strategy Discussion with NCI team

    a user and "//" to select a due date. meeting-notes … an approach for PDC Contract for FY-22 and beyond Discussion items Time Item Who Notes Sudha See attached presentation
    Proteomics Data CommonsMay 06, 2021
  7. 2021-04-7 Monthly NCI Meeting notes

    Set goals, objectives or some context for this meeting. Discussion items Time Item Who Notes 5min Recent Releases: Data: New: CPTAC Public … incomplete Type your task here. Use "@" to assign a user and "//" to select a due date. meeting-notes
    Proteomics Data CommonsApr 08, 2021
  8. 2020-09-09 NCI Bi-weekly Meeting notes

    since majority of the downloads are still happening via CPTAC portal. meeting-notes … analytics dashboard to track user visits and data downloads  Scientific committee meeting  Now planned for September 28, 5-6 PM EST.  External interactions API
    Proteomics Data CommonsApr 08, 2021
  9. 2021-01-27 Bi-Weekly NCI Meeting notes

    Set goals, objectives or some context for this meeting. Discussion items Time Item Notes - Current priority - Release of v.1.0.23, Data … Action items 1 incomplete Type your task here. Use "@" to assign a user and "//" to select a due date. meeting-notes
    Proteomics Data CommonsJan 29, 2021
  10. 2021-01-22 PDC Catch Up Meeting notes

    . meeting-notes
    Proteomics Data CommonsJan 25, 2021