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This chapter documents the keyword search with searches the caNanoLab database across protocols, samples, and publications.


Table of Contents

Keyword Search

Performing a Keyword Search

Once you log into caNanoLab, a keyword search box appears in the upper-right corner of the window. Enter one or more words, and click Search. caNanoLab searches across all protocols, samples, and publications for the word(s).



When you enter one or more keywords in the search box, caNanoLab searches in different fields for a sample, as opposed to a protocol, or a publication. The following table lists the fields searched on for each type of database item.For a sample, caNanoLab searches for the entered keyword(s) in the following sample fields:

caNanoLab Database ItemKeyword Search Fields
  • Protocol Name
  • Protocol File Title

  • Keywords
  • Sample Name
  • Sample Point of Contact
  • Nanomaterial Entity Name
  • Nanomaterial Entity Description
  • Functionalizing Entity Name
  • Function
  • Characterization

For a protocol, caNanoLab searches for the entered keyword(s) in the following protocol fields:

  • Protocol Name
  • Protocol File Title6


For a publication, caNanoLab searches for the entered keyword(s) in the following publication fields:


  • Pubmed ID
  • DOI ID
  • Publication Title
  • Authors
  • Keywords
  • Sample Name
  • Description

Keyword Search Results

The search results list protocols first, samples next, and publications last. The following table lists and describes the Keyword Search Results columns.


The number of items located in the search display appears in the the upper-left of the search results table. The bottom right of the search results table enables you to navigate to pages.

Sample Keyword Search Results ColumnsDescription

Click View in the first column to display the item


Edit is only available for people that have an account and are logged into the system and are associated with the item.

Click the + Add to Favorites link to add a bookmark for the sample on your My Favorites tab. Added to Favorites appears in the column when the sample is successfully added.


If the item is already added as a Favorite, clicking + Add to Favorites displays the <name> has already been added to your favorites message.

TypeIndicates whether the found item is a Protocol, Sample, or Publication.


The fully-qualified name of the protocol/sample/publication located in the search.

Created DateThe date on which the protocol/sample/publication was added to caNanoLab.

For a sample, the description is the description of the nanomaterial entity.

For protocols, the description is the file description.

For publications, the description is the abstract.
