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caNanoLab Public Home Page


Home PageDescription

Keyword Search

Appears above the banner and provides a keyword search across protocols, samples, and publications.

Keyword Search on Public home page

caNanoLab Menu Options
  • Related Links lists NCI web sites, and External web sites that reside outside of NCI. A Disclaimer is provided because some NIH sites may provide links to other Internet sites. NIH is not responsible for the availability or content of these internet sites or what is offered at the sites.
  • Help opens the main table of contents of the caNanoLab User's Guide.
  • Glossary opens the caNanoLab glossary.

Welcome to caNanoLab

Provides introductory information about caNanoLab.
Browse caNanoLab

Provides options to search publicly-available protocols, samples, and publications. Public Results provides a hyperlinked total results to display the appropriate search results page.

Browse Panel on the public caNanoLab home page

User Actions

Log into caNanoLab and save data.


Lists caNanoLab features and links to the caNanoLab Online Help and FAQ.

How To

Provides answers to common questions.

What's New

Links to important and current caNanoLab information.

Provides contact and other required information, as well as additional government web sites.

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Browsing Public Information


Type of Public InformationInstructions to Browse Public Information


To browse public nanotechnical protocols from the home page

  1. Click the Search Protocols link in the Browse caNanoLab panel.
  2. Enter search parameters n the Search Protocols pagoe and click Search. The Protocol Search Results page opens.
    To display information about the protocol, click the link. The Protocol File page opens.
  3. To open the associated file, click the hypertext file name in the Protocol File field. An intermediate dialog box may open, requesting that you select the application with which to view the file.


To browse public samples from the home page

  1. Click the Search Samples link in the Browse caNanoLab panel.
  2. Enter search parameters on the Search Samples page, and click Search. The Sample Search Results page appears. 

    titleAdvanced Search

    You can also perform an advanced sample search with additional criteria and conditional options.

  3. To display information about the sample, click the Sample Name link. The Sample Information page Information appears.
  4. If available, to open the associated files, click the hypertext file name corresponding to the file you want to open. An intermediate dialog box may open, requesting that you select the application with which to view the file.


Publications can be either documents or reports that detail results of sample characterization projects.

To browse public publications from the home page

  1. Click the Search Publications link in the Browse caNanoLab panel.
  2. Enter search criteria on
  3. the
  4. Search Publications
  5. page
  6. , and click Search.
  7.  The
  8. Publications Search Results
  9. page
  10. opens. 
  11. To display information about the document, click the Title link.  The  Publication File page appears. 
  12. To open the associated file, click the hypertext file name in the Download Publication Link. An intermediate dialog box may open, requesting that you select the application with which to view the file.

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Logging into caNanoLab

From the public caNanoLab home page, you can log into caNanolab under User Actions to save samples, protocols, and publications.


To log into caNanoLab and submit items

  1. From the home page, enter your Login ID.
  2. Enter your caNanoLab Password.
  3. Click Login to enter caNanoLab.


    caNanoLab validates your login and alerts you if you have used an incorrect user name or password.

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Registering for a caNanoLab Login Account

If you do not have a caNanoLab login account and want to save items in caNanoLab, you must register for an account first. Please contact Application Support ( You will be assigned a user role which affects what actions you can perform in caNanoLab.

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Resetting Your Password

To update your caNanoLab password, please contact Application Support.

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User Roles


User RoleActions and Access

The Public user role is assigned to all caNanoLab users. A logged in Public user can

  • Search for and view all publicly-available samples, protocols, and publications and access any items shared with the user.
  • Create, update, and share the Public user's own samples, protocols, and publications with user(s) and collaboration group(s).

    titleSubmit and Review
    To make a sample, protocol, or publication public, a Public user must submit the item for review first.

(and also Public)

A logged in Researcher can

  • Search for and view all samples, protocols, and publications and access any items shared with the Researcher. 
  • Create, update, and share the Researcher's own samples, protocols, and publications with user(s) and collaboration group(s).

    titleSubmit and Review
    To make a sample, protocol, or publication public, a Researcher must submit the item for review first.


(and also Public and Researcher)

Once logged in, you can

  • Search for and have Read-Write-Delete access to all samples, protocols, and publications in caNanoLab.
  • Annotate a sample.
  • Create, update, share, and make samples, protocols, and publications publicly accessible.

  • See the Groups menu to create collaboration groups.
  • See the Curation menu to review items for public access, and perform sample batch data metrics tasks.

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caNanoLab Home Page (After Login)


 The bottom left of the window displays login and user role information. The Associated Groups are your user role(s) (Public and Curator) and any collaboration group(s) (This is a sample) to which you are assigned.

Login and user role information

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Menu Options

The following table lists and describes each caNanoLab menu.

Menu Options



Returns to the home page.


Presents a workflow graphic with active links to access caNanoLab functions.


Search for existing protocols, create a new protocol, and submit a protocol for review for public access.


Search for existing samples, create a new sample, and submit a sample for review for public access. You can also Annotate new samples.

When you add a sample to caNanoLab with the Samples option, three options are added to the Navigation Tree on the left panel of the home page:


Search for existing sample publications, create a new publication, and submit a publication for review for public access.

Curator only:  Create, edit, and delete collaboration groups and assign users to participate in the collaboration group.

Curator only: Curating by reviewing data pending release and managing batch data availability.

ResultsCurator only: Appears after you perform a batch process.
My WorkspaceReview the samples, protocols, and publications that you saved or are associated with your log in.
My FavoritesReview the samples, protocols, and publications that you bookmarked for easy access.


Return to the caNanoLab public home page.

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Using the Workflow to Get Started



To assist in the data submission process, a caNanoLab Data Submission Video and accompanying transcript are available, as well as the caNanoLab User's Guide.

caNanoLab Workflow

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Working With Tables

caNanoLab displays data in tables. The following table lists general functions you can perform with data in tables.

What You Can DoInstructions
SortingTo sort a table by a particular row, click an up or down arrow/triangle next to the column name. The table will be sorted by that data. Clicking the triangle again alternates the sort from ascending to descending order of data.
Exporting Certain tables may have an Export Results icon at the bottom. To export the results to a spreadsheet, click Export Results and following the instructions to save the file.

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Using the caNanoLab User's Guide | caNanoLab User's Guide| Performing a caNanoLab Keyword Search