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Wiki Markup

h1. {page-info:title}Demonstration of includes and Excerpt-Includes (Multi-Excerpt and Excerpt Macros)

This page and the child pages, listed below, demonstrate including an excerpt from one or more pages on another page.

Refer to these pages to see the markup for the excerpt and multi-excerpt.

h2. Include Macro Example

The include macro allows you to include an entire page in the same space on another page. Includes can be tagged by means of labels, making them easier to track than excerpts and multi-excerpts.

The following is an included page with one line of text. The page is a child of this one.

{include:Test Page To Include}

The markup is:

{code}{include:Test Page To Include}{code}

h2. Excerpt Macro Example

The excerpt macro has a limitation; you can only define one excerpt on a page.

This is the markup:

{excerpt-include:Page with Second Excerpt}

The markup is rendered as follows:

{excerpt-include:Page with Second Excerpt}

h2. Multi-Excerpt Include Example

This is the markup to place on the page that has the content you want to render into another pager:

This is the markup to place on the page where you want to put content from another page:

{multi-excerpt-include:pageTitle=Page with Multi Excerpts|name=Information one page one|nopanel=true}
{multi-excerpt-include:pageTitle=Page with Multi Excerpts|name=Information two page one|nopanel=true}

The markup is rendered as follows:

{multi-excerpt-include:pageTitle=Page with Multi Excerpts|name=Information one page one|nopanel=true}
{multi-excerpt-include:pageTitle=Page with Multi Excerpts|name=Information two page one|nopanel=true}

You can define as many excerpts as needed on a single page with the multi-excerpt macro. You can include a multi-excerpt from a page in another space, but the pageTitle beomes "spacykey:pageName" like this:

{note}If you include multi-excerpts inside one another (nest them) bulleted lists will not render properly.{note}
