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Consider using an excerpt or multiexcerpt in the following cases:

If you want two wiki pages to display the same content, consider using an Include page or a multi-excerpt, rather than an excerpt, because it is easier to keep track of where they are used. For information, refer to Finding Where Reused Content Appears or Including the Content of a Page on Another Page

This page and the following child pages demonstrate including an excerpt from one page on another page.

To view the Confluence editor view of the macros in use:

  1. Open the child pages. 
  2. Click the Tools (...) icon above the page title, on the right side of the page. 
  3. Select View Source.

Example of including an excerpt

The following is an example of the Excerpt include macro. The excerpt is in italics.

This is an Excerpt on a page titled "Page with Excerpt." Excerpts are useful, but each page can have only one. The Multiexcerpt macro allows for creating as many excerpts as needed on a single page.

For instructions, refer to the following Atlassian help pages:

Example of including multiple excerpts

The following is an example of a Multiexcerpt include macro. The multiexcerpt is in italics.

This is a multiexcerpt on the page titled "Page with Multiexcerpts" and having the name MultiExcerptExampleOne. Use the Multiexcerpt macro to create more than one excerpt on any page.

The following is another example of a Multiexcerpt include macro, for a multiexcerpt on the same page. The multiexcerpt is in italics.

This is a multiexcerpt  on the page titled "Page with Multiexcerpts" and having the name MultiExcerptExampleTwo. This shows more than one excerpt on a single page for including on another page.

You can define as many excerpts as needed on a single page with the Multiexcerpt macro. You can include a Multiexcerpt from a page in another space. The page title is in the form "spacekey:pageName."

If you include Multiexcerpts inside one another (nest them) bulleted lists will not be rendered properly. Links in a Multiexcerpt include may not be rendered properly in another Multiexcerpt include.

For instructions, refer to the following Atlassian help page: Exit Disclaimer logo

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