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Wright, Larry NIH/NCI   x
Fragoso, Gilberto NIH/NCI     x

De Coronado, Sherri    

NIH/NCI    x

Safran, Tracy

Ong, Kim L
IS x
Lucas, Jason R
IS x
Bauer, Scott  Mayo x
Stancl, Craig
Mayo x
Endle,  CoryMayo x
Wynne, Robert    NIH/NCI [C] x
Tran, Tin    NIH/NCI [C]  
Carlsen, Brian NIH/NCI [C] 
Wong, Joanne NIH/NCI [C] 

Kuntipuram, Kumar


Action Items

AssignedDescriptionDate IdentifiedDue DateDate CompletedStatus
CoryAdd link to Maven Opts for end users2016.12.21  



Sprint Status


Current Sprint  Sprint 46 (December 22, 2016 – January 4, 2017)

16X237 Agile Development - Sprint Status#16X237AgileDevelopment-SprintStatus-Sprint46

  • CTRP issue was recreated locally
  • MySQL 5.5 performance numbers were documented
  • Value set loader issue was worked on
  • Value set architecture meeting will be held this Friday.

LexEVS Java 1.8 environment

  • Status update: Jason

Discussion Points:

  • No Jason hasn't heard any updates.  Jason is out this week.Jacob will be setting up the CentOS 7 VM with Java 8 when he returns next weekHe will follow up.

Decision Points:

MySQL 5.6 instance requested

  • Status update: Scott

Discussion Points:

  • Scott has set up the test harness on NCI DEV and will be running the tests to get the baseline numbers.Scott has run into a couple of exceptions that he will investigate further.  These issues will not affect the waiting to hear back from the DB team on their status.

Decision Points:

Lexevs stress test set up

  • Setup status: Cory

Discussion Points:

  • The groovy scripts have been modified and are almost ready to run/test.
  • Once the scripts are ready, Cory will attempt to replicate the thread issue we saw on PROD.
  • Cory was able to reproduce the out of memory - threads, error by running the groovy scripts locally.
  • Next, we plan on profiling the JVM and determine the root cause.
  • Investigate if there is a better way for CTRP to make the calls or if we can modify our API to accommodate their requirements.

Decision Points:

  • Mayo team to come up with a proposal of possible changes to the API - around transitive closure.
Decision Points: Snapshot build update

Discussion Points:

  • LexEVS Release Notes
  • There is a Value set fix that is in this release.  We suggest not using the value set load for this snapshot.
  • LexEVS has been manually published to the Nexus server.
  • LexEVS has not been tested by the NCI team yet.  Tracy will install and test.
  • Tracy has looked at some of the issues on DEV. 
  • Tracy will go through list of changes and verify the issues are resolved

Decision Points:

URI Resolver URLs Update

Discussion Points:

  • We agreed that the internal URI Resolver link should still be converted to https.

Decision Points:

  • Jacob will update the URL to https starting on DEV and moving up the tiers.

Iterator Expiration


Discussion Points:

  • Scott found an issue where iterators expire after a configured amount of time (5 minutes).  
  • The message that was displayed wasn't clear and he was able to update the error message from a NPE to something appropriate.

Decision Points:

NCI Nexus Server Migration Update

Discussion Points:

  • LexEVS Build Configurations and Status
  • Maven script can now publish to the NCI Nexus server.
  • Now we will work with the SCM team to allow ANT scripts to publish to the NCI Nexus server
  •  Phil sent a test user/pw with the same credentials as our service account to Cory to test. 
  • Cory can publish the CTS2 Framework maven project to ncimvn dev with these credentials. However, our main service account id still doesn't work.
  • Cory will be working with Phil to resolve this.

Decision Points:

OBI Load

  • Update from Gilberto

Discussion Points:

  • Jira
    serverNCI Tracker

  • Gilberto will send the other issue to the OBI team.We will discuss next week when Gilberto is backhasn't heard back from OBI team.

Decision Points:

DataQA SSL Failure

Discussion Points:

  • Scott was able to run the test code successfully over VPN.
  • Rob was also able to run the test code successfully from within the firewall.

Decision Points:

LexEVS External Users/ Data Services

Discussion Points:

  • Bob Kline has encountered 6.0 data query failure.
    • Works for
    • The Data Services API he is using is the legacy caCORE.
  • We need to determine if we have to continue to support the legacy caCORE or if we can assist him in transitioning to the CTS2 REST service.

Decision Points:

  • We will need to contact Bob and discuss what option is best for him - move to CTS2 REST or continue to use the legacy caCORE API.
    • Tracy will set up a meeting. 
    • This should include Bob Kline, Tracy, Rob, and the Mayo Dev team
    Larry mentioned the transform project (2010-2015) exploration of technology  (European group)
    • Indications are that they switched from LexEVS to BioPortal.
Proposed Backlog Review Items

Discussion Points:

Decision Points:


Team Absences

Mayo Team

  • Cory -
  • Scott -
  • Craig -


  • Tracy
    • Jan 9-17
    • Feb 21-24
  • Rob

JIRA Issues

Recent LexEVS Related Bugs and Features (within last week)
