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National Cancer Institute Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology
caDSR Sprint Release Notes
August 25, 2022




The following are tracker numbers and descriptions of improvements.

Advanced Tables - Table Plus
FeatureDescriptionJira Tracker Number
ALSALS CDE Download: IsVisible column set to False for all rows. It should only be False for FormOID Row in Form ALS.DSRMWS-1976
APIDomain Class Browser: Add the URL into the Address bar after user has exercised a query.DSRMWS-1982
MWS Out of the BoxAudit Reports: Fix Capitalization in Audit Report details.DSRMWS-1990
Bulk LoaderCDE Import: Add Created CDE ID Col and remove From Validation Message.DSRMWS-1888
Bulk LoaderCDE Match enhancements for Sprint 35.DSRMWS-2026
Bulk LoaderDesignations Import should indicate duplicate if loading file has duplicate designations entries.DSRMWS-1869
Bulk LoaderPV/VM - Add Created VM ID Col and remove From Validation Message.DSRMWS-1889
Bulk LoaderVM Match Enhance to check for existing VMs.DSRMWS-1971
Bulk LoaderVM Match Improvements to UI.DSRMWS-1970
Bulk Loader PV/VM Import: Attach new Template to wiki.DSRMWS-2039
caDSR ReverseDaily Incremental Change Counts Reports Investigation.DSRMWS-1908
CartAllow logged-in users and non-logged-in to manage more than one cart.DSRMWS-1201
Change ManagementEdit DEC: Changes to Options for "Validate" "Update".DSRMWS-1893
Change ManagementEdit DEC: Prevent Changing Concept Association for a RELEASED DEC.DSRMWS-1954
Change ManagementEdit VM: Changes to Options for "Validate" "Update".DSRMWS-1894
Change ManagementForms: Add "Add Module" Command.DSRMWS-1998
Change ManagementForms: Add a check to confirm Delete for the commands to Delete Form, Module, and Question.DSRMWS-2025
Change ManagementForms: Alert Form Owners when Create New Version or Copy From Existing if CDEs are Retired or Not Latest Version.DSRMWS-2010
Change ManagementForms: Create New Version should set WFS to Draft MOD.DSRMWS-2008
Change ManagementProblems found in Sprint 31 Testing.DSRMWS-1841
Change ManagementProblems found in Sprint 33 Testing.DSRMWS-1932
Change ManagementProblems found in Sprint 34 Testing.DSRMWS-1958
CompareCompare DEC: Add to the Browse CDEs by DEC Data Element Concept and to AI Tool.DSRMWS-2001DocumentationURLs for example API calls.DSRMWS-1597
DownloadAdd CDE and CDE Short Name with Question Short Name Legacy and Form Excel Download.DSRMWS-2003
DownloadCreate Download design documentation.DSRMWS-1424
LoadingCDE Match: Run Match throws exception when input Column Name has single quote.DSRMWS-1567
OOTBDelivery Options: Add Origin and UsedBy to CDE Export to Excel and Summary Report.DSRMWS-2009
SearchAdd Browse CDEs by Data Element Concept to Form Builder Role.DSRMWS-2015
SearchDEC Based Browser Object: Add CDE Count, Object Class Long Name and Property Long Name to grid.DSRMWS-1980
UI ChangesDE and VD Maint and Forms/Form Maint enhancement to Display Public ID, Version in Top Node.DSRMWS-1994
UI ChangesAI Tool and DE Maint - Enable advanced search for field "Definition" in child filter "Additional Search Criteria".DSRMWS-1988
UI ChangesAI Tool, Data Element Maint and DE View/Browse add Form WFS and Reg Status.DSRMWS-1997
UI ChangesAI Tool: Add VD Compare.DSRMWS-2069
UI ChangesAI Tool: VM - Add Associated PVs.Change label to "Associated VD/PVs"DSRMWS-2002
UI ChangesChange caption for Additional Search Criteria "Enter Search String".DSRMWS-1957UI ChangesConcept Popups: Reorder columns in Popup.DSRMWS-2007
UI ChangesForm - Classification View Make Browse Forms by Classification Caption Change and available for Super Curators.DSRMWS-2013
UI ChangesForm/Form Maint: Move all "Delete" options to the bottom of the command list. Including Delete Question and Delete Valid Value to bottom of Command List.DSRMWS-1995
UI ChangesForms/Form Maint: Add Form Specific VM Description to 8.1 View Modules.DSRMWS-2000
UI ChangesNCI Standard CRFs - remove duplicate nodes for Alt Name and Alt Def.DSRMWS-1991
UI ChangesUI improvement for Classification related hooks.DSRMWS-2016
UI ChangesUI improvement for Form - Classification ViewBrowse Forms by Classifications.DSRMWS-1963

Bug Fixes

The following are tracker numbers and descriptions of bug fixes.

Advanced Tables - Table Plus
FeatureDescriptionJira Tracker Number
APIValueMeaning >> getPermissibleValue results different than Legacy API.DSRMWS-1966
Bulk LoaderCDE Import: Should use user specified CDE Short Name.DSRMWS-1870
Bulk LoaderDesignation Import fix for Sprint 28 for Captions on UI.DSRMWS-1689
Bulk LoaderPV/VM Import: Add timestamp to each row on import.DSRMWS-1965
Bulk LoaderPV/VM Import: Create new PV/VM failed to find VM ID for existing VM.DSRMWS-2027
Bulk LoaderPV/VM Import: Error when attempting to Validate PV/VM if CD is Retired.DSRMWS-1981
Bulk LoaderPV/VM Import: In same VD, create one new VM to associate with multiple PVs.DSRMWS-1962
Bulk LoaderPV/VM Import: Same PV, different VM, or same VM, different PV should be allowed in VD.DSRMWS-1953
Bulk LoaderVD Import Fixes Sprint 28.DSRMWS-1670CartWhen remove a item from user's named cart, the item should only be removed from the selected named cart, not from all named carts.DSRMWS-2057
Change ManagementAI Tool-> Delete VM Alt Name does not delete from VD VM Alt Names.DSRMWS-2037
Change ManagementDelete Form Hook fail when Form has protocol.DSRMWS-2042
Change ManagementEdit DEC: Validate Button should do Validation instead of Updating.DSRMWS-1961
Change ManagementEdit VM: Create "Manually Curated Alternate Name/Definition" function is broken in Sprint 35 on DEV tier.DSRMWS-2033Change ManagementForms: Blobs not getting fully deleted.DSRMWS-2023
Change ManagementNon-enumerated VD should not allow Permissible Values.DSRMWS-2043
Change ManagementReference Document Blob Favorite skips the filter.DSRMWS-2022
Change ManagementVD Maint: Versioning a VD with large number of PV/VMs fails.DSRMWS-2047
Bulk LoaderDEC Import - Sprint 28/35 Fixes.DSRMWS-2040DownloadDownload Collection: Caption on Create Form Excel is incorrect.DSRMWS-2032
DownloadDownload Collection: get exception when use "Add All" link to add all items in the Cart into a Collection.DSRMWS-2060
DownloadDownload Collection: Legacy CDE XML and Excel: Change Concept Primary Flag to "Yes" or "No".DSRMWS-2019
DownloadLegacy FB Excel incorrect value for Form Value Meaning ID.DSRMWS-2030
DownloadLegacy Form XML: Not downloading in Sprint 35, also Add Question Short Name.DSRMWS-2017Download
Move "Cart Name" column in Default User Cart Excel Download to the front to make it consistent with Guest User Cart and Named User Cart.DSRMWS-2024ReverseAlternate Definition not being truncated to 2000.DSRMWS-2029
ReverseNewly inserted Protocol causes reverse to fail.DSRMWS-2052
UI ChangesAdmin Item Child Filter Default for Multiple IDs not set on Prod.DSRMWS-1945UI ChangesData Element Maintenance: Hide Origin and Origin Description from search result grid.DSRMWS-2063
UI ChangesForms: Remove extra fields from CDE on Form child filter.DSRMWS-2018UI ChangesUI improvement for NCI AI Type - Workflow.DSRMWS-2041

Important Remaining Issues

The following are tracker numbers and descriptions of unresolved issues.

Advanced Tables - Table Plus
FeatureSymptomWorkaroundJira Tracker Number
Bulk LoaderPV/VM Import: Should report the invalid concept in the Validation Message.NoneDSRMWS-1939Change ManagementHide CSI Display Order.NoneDSRMWS-1537
Change ManagementProblems found in Sprint 25 Testing.NoneDSRMWS-1550
Data MigrationFix Data Migration error due to duplicate Preferred Question Text.Refer to DSRMWS-1812.DSRMWS-1813
Download CollectionGet exception when use "Add All" link to add all items in the Named Cart into a CollectionIf select all the CDEs or Forms by using checkbox and click "Add" instead of click "Add All", then all the items can be added into collection successfully.DSRMWS-2073
OOTBDelivery Options exports different items than selected when using Additional Search Criteria Enter User String.NoneDSRMWS-1978
ReverseValue Meaning - Permissible Value associations not pushed to Legacy DB.NoneDSRMWS-1946
Security FrameworkMDR --> Add Administered Item - Context Curator Privileges.NoneDSRMWS-463
UI ChangesData Elements - View/Browse: Hide Origin and Origin Description from search result grid.NoneDSRMWS-2074
UI ChangesValue Domain Maintenance: Remove redundant node "PV Download".NoneDSRMWS-2070

Known Issues Found in Sprint Testing

The team created or reopened the following issues during Sprint testing.

Advanced Tables - Table Plus
FeatureSymptomJira Tracker Number
Bulk LoadCDE Match should use "Like" for Question Text and Alternate Names.DSRMWS-2054
Bulk LoadPV/VM Import UI improvement: Remove extra Date Last Modified field should be read only.DSRMWS-2064
Bulk LoadPV/VM Import: Remove "Optional VM CD ID" field from UI.DSRMWS-2044
Bulk LoadPV/VM Import: VM Alt name context is not imported.DSRMWS-2071
Bulk LoadVD Import: Primary Rep Term popup does not retrieve correct ConceptsCartDownload Curator: Does not have access to Named User Cart Commands.DSRMWS-20672080
Change ManagementForms: System should set Module Display Order correctly after Copy Module using Module IDCartGive Download Curator privilege to access Named User Cart.DSRMWS-20562077
CartUpdate column names in Named User Cart.DSRMWS-2058
Change Management
Value Domains: System should not copy PVs when Create Non-Enumerated VD from an Enumerated VDDSRMWS-2078UI ChangesData Elements - View/Browse: Hide Origin and Origin Description from search result grid.DSRMWS-2074

Release History

Sprint    9-Aug-22
Sprint deployed.)
Sprint deployed.)

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