NIH | National Cancer Institute | NCI Wiki  

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

To insert an image using the Confluence editor:

  1. In the page you want to change, click Edit
titleImage Size Limits and Requirements

Typically, images up to 13 inches wide are displayed without causing the horizontal scroll bar to appear when the browser is full-screen. Wider images make scrolling necessary and may cause the page, the wiki markup, or both, to be displayed improperly so that lines no longer wrap.
You can attach images at any size and change the display size in Confluence. Thus, you can use the original image capture which provides the best resolution with the least loss of data. Try specifying the width only, in even increments calculated based on 72 pixels per inch:
Image Width in Inches = 13, Width in Pixels = 936
Image Width in Inches = 12, Width in Pixels = 864
Image Width in Inches = 11, Width in Pixels = 792
Image Width in Inches = 10, Width in Pixels = 720
Image Width in Inches = 9, Width in Pixels = 648
Image Width in Inches = 8, Width in Pixels = 576
If you need to re-size your image, you can so so in PowerPoint by following the steps in this tip. You can also use a tool such as PaintShopPro or PhotoShop and re-size the image as a percentage of the original size.


If the image is not rendered properly in IE 7, it's necessary to resize in a tool, either to the exact dimensions or to a percentage of the original size. If the image was imported from Microsoft Word, removing the exact dimensions from the wiki markup often solves the problem. If the image then becomes too large, resize it to a percentage of the original size.

To insert an image on a page:

  1. Open the page on which you want to see the image.
  2. Click the Insert/Edit Image icon and complete the dialog; this Atlassian page has detailed steps.

You can also insert an image in the wiki markup.

  1. Click the Attachments tab and complete the dialog to upload an image from your computer.
  2. Click the Edit tab and then the Wiki Markup tab.
  3. At the place on the page where you want

    to display

    the image

    , type the wiki markup shown here, using the name of your image.


Displayed Image


Image Removed

To insert an image that is attached to another page, use the wiki markup shown here, with the names of your image and page, and your space key (name of the space in the URL displayed in the browser).

Image Location


Displayed Image

Attached to another page in the same space
(Be sure all users in your group can view the page.)

!Wiki FAQs, Tips and Guidelines^caBIGlogoR.jpg!

Image Removed

Attached to another page in a different space
(Be sure all users in your group can view the page.)


Image Removed

You can format images in a variety of ways using HTML image attributes. Examples are shown below, followed by a list of HTML image attributes supported in Confluence 2.8; most are also supported in version 2.7 which is installed at this time (May, 2008).



Displayed Image

Display alternative text for an image
(not rendered by the Firefox browser)

!caBIGlogoR.jpg|alt="caBIG logo"!

caBIG logoImage Removed

Display an image flush right with a blue border


Image Removed

Display a thumbnail


Image Removed

titleHTML image attributes supported in Confluence 2.8
  • align — 'left', 'right', 'bottom', 'center', 'top'.
  • border — width of the border (in pixels).
  • bordercolor — specify the color of the image border created with the "border" tab by name or by hex value.
  • hspace — amount of whitespace to be inserted to the left and right of the image (in pixels).
  • vspace — amount of whitespace to be inserted above and below the image (in pixels).
  • width — width of the image (in pixels). Supersedes natural width of the image.
  • height — height of the image (in pixels). Supersedes the natural height of the image.
  • title — descriptive text for the image, which is displayed when the pointer hovers over the image
  • alt — alternative text, which is included in the HTML code. This text is retrievable via search, and contributes to accessibility of the page for text-only viewing.
  1. to appear, press <Ctrl+M>. The Insert files and images dialog box appears. 

  2. Select the image to insert. There is an upload files function so that you can attach images to the current page. There is also a search function to find images on other Confluence pages. 
  3. Click Insert. The image appears on the page, with a row of buttons (the image properties panel). 
  4. Complete the image properties.

We attached an example image to this page and inserted it below, as explained in the preceding steps.

NCIP logoImage Added

Also refer to the following Atlassian help page:

Show If


Display Files and Images

Multiexcerpt include
PageWithExcerptwikicontent:Exit Disclaimer to Include
Source for Confluence information: May 16, 2008