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This guide explains how to use the administrative features of the National Biomedical Imaging Archive (NBIA).

titleTopics in this Guide

Table of Contents

Administration Functions Overview

Security applies to all administration tools in NBIA. When you log into NBIA, only the administration tools for which you have been granted permissions are visible in the Admin menu. Their use is described on this page.

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Creating a New NBIA User

Only an NBIA administrator can create new users for NBIA.

Before NBIA users can be created, an administrator with access to the User Authorization Tool must register the NCIA application and assign an admin administrative user to the NCIA application there. The administrator can then assign users to NBIA and roles to each user. The following table describes the role structure in NBIA.



Can Perform Operation


Search capability

Everything else

Note: This role is applied to guest users.


Access the QC Tool

Use the QC Tool

NCIA.VIEW_SUBMISSION_REPORTPrivilege to access Verify Submission

Access and verify a submission

View Submission Report


Privilege to edit Edit a collection description

Edit Collection Description


Create, edit, and delete workflow items

Review and delete saved queries

Approve Privilege to approve the deletion of image series

Delete a shared list

Manage Workflow Items

Manage Saved Queries

Approve Deletions

Manage Shared List


Privilege to execute the deletion of Delete images approved for deletion

Perform Online Deletion

NCIA.ADMINUse the User Authorization Tool

Use the User Authorization Tool

Note: This role is also needed to access CSM UPT.

The roles you assign allow a user to perform tasks in TCIANBIA. Additionally, an administrator can perform the following tasks:


Do not use special characters in user names. You can use special characters in passwords.

For more information about creating new TCIA NBIA users/user groups and performing other tasks in the User Authorization Tool, see the User Authorization Tool documentation.

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Using the QC Tool

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Using the Quality Control Tool 6.5.2
Using the Quality Control Tool 6.5.2

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Deleting Image Series

As an administrator, you can assist in the two-tier process of deleting TCIA NBIA data. To do so, you must have been granted specific roles. For more information about the roles and the deletion processes, see NBIA Administrator's Guide Image Deletions and Manually Deleting Image Series.

Approving Image Deletions

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Approving Image Deletions 6.5
Approving Image Deletions 6.5

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Manually Deleting Image Series

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Manually Deleting Image Series 6.5
Manually Deleting Image Series 6.5

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Viewing Submission Reports

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Viewing Submission Reports 6.5
Viewing Submission Reports 6.5

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Accrual Report

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Accrual Report 6.5
Accrual Report 6.5

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Image Submission Report

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Image Submission Report 6.5
Image Submission Report 6.5

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Annotation Submission Report

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Annotation Submission Report 6.5
Annotation Submission Report 6.5

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Editing a Collection Description

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Editing a Collection Description 6.5
Editing a Collection Description 6.5

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Managing Workflow Items

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Managing Workflow Items 6.5
Managing Workflow Items 6.5

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Managing Saved Queries

You can review and delete queries saved by users in TCIA.


This administrative feature is available only to logged-in users who have "manage visibility" privileges, as defined in UPT. For more information, see Registering a New TCIA User.

Reviewing Saved Query Information

To review a saved query

  1. Select Admin > Manage Saved Queries.
    The Manage Saved Queries page appears listing all the queries saved by TCIA users.
    Manage Saved Queries pageImage Removed
  2. The following information is listed for each query.

    titleSorting the table

    By default the table is sorted by Query Name, but you can also sort by the Last Executed or Query Creator columns.

    Column NameDescription
    Query Name

    Click the name of the query to display the Criteria Selected by the user. The selected field name(s) and data are listed.

    Query Name Criteria Selected Image Removed

    Last ExecutedLists the date and time that the query was run.
    New Data Available
    New Data icon. Exclamation pointImage Removedindicates that new data is available.
    Query CreatorUser name of the person who saved the query.

Deleting a Saved Query

To delete a saved query


Check the box next to the Query Creator column of a query to be removed. You can delete multiple queries at once.

titleRemoving All Saved Queriese

To remove all of the saved queries, check the box next to column name, Query Creator. All queries are selected.

Delete Saved Queries pageImage Removed

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Managing Saved Queries 6.5
Managing Saved Queries 6.5


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Using the User Authorization Tool

NBIA role required to use this feature: NCIA.ADMIN

For more information about roles, see Creating a New NBIA User.

Administrators use the User Authorization tool to manage data access by users, user groups, protection groups, and roles.

Topics in this section include:

Accessing the User Authorization Tool

To access and use the User Authorization Tool, you must be a TCIA an NBIA administrator.

  1. Log in to TCIANBIA.
  2. Select Admin > User Authorization Tool.
    The User Authorization Tool appears, open to the User tab.
    User tab of the User Authentication ToolImage Removed

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Managing Users

Once a user submits data, an administrator adds the user to TCIA. The administrator must create the user in LDAP to manage data access privileges.

titleWhat to do if the user is not in LDAP

Contact the Help Desk to request that a user be added to LDAP.

Managing users involves:

Adding a User to TCIA

  1. Select Admin > User Authorization Tool.
    User tab of the User Authentication ToolImage Removed
  2. Select the User tab.

  3. Click Add User buttonImage Removed.
    The User Details dialog box appears.
    Entering User DetailsImage Removed
  4. Add the user's Login Name. The login name is not case-sensitive.
  5. Add a valid Email address of the user.
  6. To activate the user, select Active Status. To deactivate the user in TCIA, clear Active Status.

  7. Click Save buttonImage Removed to save the changes. 
    The user is added to TCIA and the table on the User tab.

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Finding a User

To find a user on the User tab, narrow the list by adding one or more characters to one or more column header boxes.

In the following example, the displayed users have 5523 as part of their login name and nlsc in their email address.

Example of a column searchImage Removed

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Updating User Information

  1. Select Admin > User Authentication Tool.
  2. Select the User tab.
  3. Click Edit User iconImage Removed.
    The User Details window appears.
    Entering User DetailsImage Removed

  4. Update the Email address as needed. The Login Name cannot be updated.

  5. For an active user, maintain Active Status. To deactivate the user in TCIA, clear Active Status.

  6. Click Save to save the changes.
    The user information is updated in the table.

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Deactivating a User

A user cannot be deleted from TCIA, only deactivated.

  1. Select Admin > User Authentication Tool.
  2. Select the User tab.

  3. Find the user you want to deactivate.

  4. Click Edit User iconImage Removed.
    The User Details window appears.
    Entering User DetailsImage Removed

  5. Clear the Active Status box and then click Save.
    The user's Active Status value changes to False.

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Managing Protection Groups

A TCIA administrator uses the Protection Group tab to add protection groups and assign protection elements to limit data access and visibility by image collection and site(s).

titleProtection elements are created automatically
TCIA automatically creates protection elements when data is submitted based on the image collection and site(s).

Managing protection groups involves:

Adding a Protection Group

  1. From the Protection Group tab, click Add Protection Group.
    The Add Protection Group window appears.
    Adding a Protection GroupImage Removed

    The following table lists and describes protection group information.



    Protection Group Name

    Start the name with "NCIA” and enter your name of choice.

    titleNo Special Characters

    Do not use special characters such as # or \ in group names.

    Protection Group Description

    Add a description (optional).

  2. Click Save buttonImage Removed to save the changes. 
    The protection group is added to the table.

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Associating Protection Elements with a Protection Group

Once you create the necessary protection group(s), assigning the associated protection element(s) is the beginning of setting up security for a collection's visibility in TCIA. The protection element identifies the collection, as well as the site, associated with the data.

titleData Access and Protection Elements
If the protection element is set to Public, a user can be assigned the Public role and have access. For limited access to the data, assign a user to a protection group and a role that allows the user data access.

To associate a protection element with a protection group


Click Available Protection Elements.


Select the elements to be associated with the protection group.

titleNarrowing a List

To narrow a list, type the name or part of the name next to the magnifying glass icon (Magnifying Glass Icon to narrow list of Protection ElementsImage Removed).


Click Add buttonImage Removed to save the changes.

The Associated Protection Element(s) column lists the elements that you added.

In the following example protection element, NCIA.SportInjury//ACL


ACL is the site.


titleMultiple Sites


Include Page
Managing Users 6.5
Managing Users 6.5

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Managing Protection Elements

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Managing Protection Elements 7.5
Managing Protection Elements 7.5

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Removing Protection Elements from a Protection Group

  1. Click Remove Protection Element IconImage Removed in the Remove Protection Element(s) column.
    The Remove Protection Element(s) from Protection Group window appears.
    Remove Protection Elements from Protection GroupImage Removed
    The Protection Group Name cannot be changed.
  2. Click Included Protection Elements, and select the elements to remove.

    titleNarrowing a List

    To narrow a list, type the name or part of the name next to the magnifying glass icon (Magnifying Glass Icon to narrow list of Protection ElementsImage Removed).

    Click x to return without saving.

  3. Click Remove buttonImage Removed to save the changes. 
    The protection element(s) is no longer listed in the Associated Protection Elements column.

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Finding a Protection Group

On the Protection Group tab, you can perform a global search or a column search both described in the following table.


 You can perform both searching techniques to further filter a list, but do not forget to clear the search boxes to expand the list.


You can search for a term or part of a term in all the protection group columns in the table. All protection groups with the characters you entered are returned.

In the following example, a Global Search of colonography finds protection groups with the word in the Protection Group name and the Associated Protection Elements.

Global Search for Protection GroupImage Removed


You can also find protection groups in the table by adding a term to a column header or more than one column header to further narrow the list.

In the following example, bbb in the Protection Group column and demo in the Description column, displays two results.

Column Search for Protection GroupImage Removed

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Updating a Protection Group Description

  1. On the Protection Group tab, find the protection group you want to update.
  2. Click Edit Protection GroupImage Removed.
    The Protection Group Details window appears.

  3. Update the group description.
    Note that you cannot update the protection group name.

  4. Click Save buttonImage Removed to save the changes.

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Deleting a Protection Group

  1. On the Protection Group tab, find the protection group you want to delete.
  2. Click Edit Protection GroupImage Removed.
    The Protection Group Details window appears.

  3. Click Delete buttonImage Removed.
    The row is removed from the table.

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Managing User Groups

TCIA administrators create user groups to limit data access and visibility by protection group and user role. Before or after creating user groups, you can assign users and roles to protection groups.

Managing user groups involves:

Viewing Protection Groups and Roles Associated with a User Group

  1. Select Admin > User Authentication Tool.
  2. Select the User Group tab.

    User Group tab in the User Authentication ToolImage Removed

  3. Click the arrow in the first column to see the protection group(s) and role(s) associated with the user group in that row.
    User Group tab, first two columnsImage Removed
    The row expands to show the protection group(s) and role(s) associated with that user group.
    User Group tab, protection groups and roles visibleImage Removed

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Modifying Protection Groups and Roles for a User Group

  1. View the protection group(s) and role(s) for a selected user group.
  2. Click Edit Association buttonImage Removed.
    The Modify Authorization for Selected User Group window appears.
    Modify Authorization for Selected User GroupImage Removed
  3. To change the roles associated with this protection group, open the Role list. Click or clear the checkboxes you want to add or remove, respectively. Click Update Role buttonImage Removed.
  4. To remove this protection group from this user group, click Remove PG buttonImage Removed.

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Assigning a Protection Group and Role to a User Group

You can associate a user group with a protection group and one or more roles.

To assign a protection group and role to a user group

  1. Select Admin > User Authentication Tool.
  2. Select the User Group tab.

    User Group tab in the User Authentication ToolImage Removed

  3. In the row associated with the user group whose access you want to specify, click Plus buttonImage Removed.
    The Add Protection Group to Selected User Group window appears.

  4. Open the Protection Group list and click one protection group to select it. 

    titleNarrowing a List

    To narrow the list of protection groups, type the name or part of the name next to the magnifying glass icon (Magnifying Glass Icon to narrow list of Protection ElementsImage Removed). All protection groups with the characters you entered are returned.

    Add Protection Group to Selected User Group window with the Protection Group list openedImage Removed 
    The list closes and shows your selection in the window.

  5. Open the Role list and and click the box to the left of each role you want to assign to the selected protection group. 

    titleNarrowing a List

    To narrow the list of roles, type the name or part of the name next to the magnifying glass icon (Magnifying Glass Icon to narrow list of Protection ElementsImage Removed). All protection groups with the characters you entered are returned.

    Add Protection Group to Selected User Group window with the Role list openedImage Removed
    The list closes and shows your selection(s) in the window.

  6. Click Save buttonImage Removed.
    The user group is now associated with the selected protection group and roles.

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Deleting a User Group

Deleting a user group does not delete the users in it.

To delete a user group

  1. Select Admin > User Authentication Tool.
  2. Select the User Group tab.

    User Group tab in the User Authentication ToolImage Removed

  3. In the row of the user group you want to delete, click Cut iconImage Removed.
    The Delete the Following Group? window appears.
  4. Click Delete buttonImage Removed.
    The user group no longer appears in the list.

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Adding Protection Groups and Assigning Roles

A TCIA administrator creates protection groups to limit data access and visibility by image collection and site(s). Administrators add users to protection groups and can then further manage their access by assigning them one or more roles. Users can only access the protection group data in the way that the role specifies.

For example, John Smith needs to be a curator within the Mouse Astrocytoma protection group, so user johnsmith is assigned to protection group TCIA Mouse Astrocytoma with the role of CURATOR.

Topics in this section include:

Adding a Protection Group

  1. Select Admin > User Authentication Tool.
  2. Select the Protection Group tab.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Add Protection Group buttonImage Removed.
    The Protection Group Details window appears.
    Protection Group Details windowImage Removed
  4. Enter a name for the new group and optionally, a description.

    titleNo Special Characters

    Do not use special characters such as # or \ in group names.

  5. Click Save buttonImage Removed.
    The protection group appears on the Protection Group tab.

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Assigning a User to a Protection Group with Roles

titleSuper Administrator

If you are a Super Administrator for one protection group, your privileges extend to all of the protection groups.

To assign a user to a protection group and assign roles


Select the User Authorization tab.

TCIA User Authorization ToolImage Removed


Select a user from the list.
A page listing the protection groups and access roles associated with the selected user opens.
User Authorization tab of the User Authorization toolImage Removed


Click Add Protection Group and Access Role buttonImage Removed.
The Grant Access to Selected User window opens.
Grant Access to Selected User pageImage Removed


From the Role list, select the access role that the user should have in that protection group.
The following table lists and describes the access roles available in TCIA.


Access the User Authorization Tool to manage users


Add or modify curation data


Super Administrator role for deletions


Manage collection descriptions


Access the Quality Control (QC) Tool


Public role for searching


Super Administrator role for approving deletions


Access the Submission Reports option to verify submissions.


The row is added to the table.

titleWorking with the table

To adjust how the table is sorted, click the arrows in the column header. To narrow the list, type the name or part of the name in the column header. You can also enter information in multiple column headers to further narrow the list.

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Changing a User's Access Role Within a Protection Group

  1. Select Admin > User Authentication Tool.
  2. Select the User Authorization tab.

    TCIA User Authorization ToolImage Removed

  3. Select a user from the list.
    A page listing the protection groups and access roles associated with the selected user opens.
    User Authorization tab of the User Authorization toolImage Removed

  4. In the row of the protection group you want to change, click Update Access iconImage Removed.
    The Grant Access to Selected User dialog box opens.

    Grant Access to Selected User, UpdateImage Removed

  5. To change the user's access to roles in this protection group, click the down arrow to open the Role list. Select the boxes next to roles you want to assign to the selected user. Clear the boxes next to roles you do not want the user to have. Click Update buttonImage Removed to save your changes.

    To delete a role, open the Role list, select a role, and click Delete buttonImage Removed.

    The User Authentication tab appears.

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Resolving Errors in the User Authorization Tool

The following table lists and describes how to resolve error messages returned by the User Authorization Tool (UAT). Error messages appear in a red box.

titleInfo Messages

Messages in a blue box, such as Info: Request sent to server. or Info: Sent., indicate that a request was sent to the server to save, update, or delete an item.


You performed a search and there were no results. Enter different search criteria.

If a selected user has not been assigned to a protection group with a role, you will receive the following message:

Error: No data found from server.


Error: Error occurred while retrieving data from server. Check the server connection please.

Error code: <a number>


Managing Protection Groups

Include Page
Managing Protection Groups 6.5
Managing Protection Groups 6.5

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Managing User Groups

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Managing User Groups 6.5
Managing User Groups 6.5

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Adding Protection Groups and Assigning Roles

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Adding Protection Groups and Assigning Roles 6.5
Adding Protection Groups and Assigning Roles 6.5

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Resolving Errors in the User Authorization Tool

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Resolving Errors in the User Authorization Tool 6.4
Resolving Errors in the User Authorization Tool 6.4

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