Page History
- Click Groups.
- Click Manage Collaboration Groups. The Manage Collaboration Groups page displays existing collaboration groups at the top.
- Find the group to edit and display . In the right side of the that row. Click , click Edit.
The Collaboration Group Information panel opens at the bottom of the page. - Update the Name and Description of the group as needed.
- To add a user to the group:
- Next to User, click Add.
- Enter part or all of the User Login Name and click Search for User. Next to that button, a list of users appears, with all users that match the entry.
- From the list of users, select a user name. The field populates the User Login Name.
- Click Save. The system adds the user to the list of users for the group.
Info title Setting Up Read or Read-Update-Delete Access When the collaboration group is associated with a protocol, sample, or publication, Read-only or Read-Update-Delete access is specified at that time.
- To delete a user, click Delete next to the user's login name.
- When you are done updating the group, click Save. The system updates the collaboration group.