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Document Information

Author: Scott Bauer,
Team:  LexEVS
Contract:  16X237
Client:  NCI CBIIT
National Institutes of Heath
US Department of Health and Human Services

Contents of this Page

Meeting Details

NCI Shady Grove Campus
9609 Medical Center Drive
Rockville, MD 20850


Conference Details


NameRoleAttend? (Y/N)

Bauer, Scott  



Endle,  Cory



Konareddy, Swathi 


Chen, YangNIH/NCIy
Tran, TinNIH/NCIy

*remote attendee

Release Checklist

  • Review and acceptance of live terminology configured test updates and status report in the lexevs-remote project (Swathi, Scott, and others as needed)
  • Tag and post the release candidate to the usual sites for download and/or deployment (Cory)
  • A refresh and redeployment of the LexEVS API on both dev and qa based on the tag for the latest LexEVSAPI tag (Swathi)
  • A refresh of the URI Resolver DB on dev and qa for 1.1.1.FINAL tag (DB/Systems team)
  • A refresh of the URI Resolver API (war file) on dev and qa for 1.1.1.FINAL tag (Swathi)
  • A refresh and redeployment of the CTS2 REST API on both dev and qa based on the tag for the latest CTS2 tag (Swathi)
    • Update URI Resolver URL in the CTS2 service test properties file prior to running build/testing of CTS2 service for each tier (Cory)
  • A refresh of the loading environment on Dev or where ever the test loads for qa and dev take place (Tracy)
  • A refresh of the URI Resolver DB on DATA QA for 1.1.1.FINAL tag (Tracy or Systems team)
  • A reload of NPO, NCIt, and a load of the value set definition for neoplasm to a resolved value set coding scheme (Tracy has taken these tasks on)
  • An initial run of the latest test set for the release tests as well as the legacy regression tests for the live terminologies (Swathi)
  • An initial run of the latest CTS2 Service tests (Swathi)
  • A follow up reconfiguration and re-evaluation of the test sets iteratively until all tests are passing.  (Swathi and Scott or Cory as needed)
  • App scan on QA



  • Create a test plan from 6.5.2/6.5.3 release items
  • Execute a test suite in a pair programming/work environment


  • LexEVS API (remote/distributed)
    • Create a test plan that describes full API test coverage method by method and detailing input and expected results (with some exceptions) to be completed in the Dev QA distributed environment. 
    • Leverage some legacy test suites in the lexevs-remote project to implement this test plan
    • Cory will create a test plan for the CTS2 REST plan that details full coverage of the current CTS2 REST Service. 
    • Cory will leverage some of the Frisbee test suite examples in our full service test to help provide coverage for the CTS2 REST Service
    • This will also target the QA Test environment
  • QA Team Training in LexEVS test methods
    • Engage QA in test plan and integration test writing with the goal of allowing that person to configure and maintain the current test plan and create new tests as needed.
    • Decide the best practical approach for a fully automated implementation of that test plan. 
  • Evaluate the progress and deliverables at the end of the work week and hand off to the QA team.

Meeting Notes


LexEVS 6.0 Test Plan Document

LexEVS 6.5.2 Release Notes

6.5.3 release items

Remote RC1 war file

Items for Consideration

We will need a reload of at least OWL, OBO, Resolved Value Set Coding Schemes, and HL7 mif formatted terminologies and mapping terminologies on QA.

We recommend adopting the loader tests implemented by Tracy Safran as the Test Plan for Loaders. 

We propose a CI server automation of the tests to run nightly against live terminology loads.

We will add as a follow up task, documentation of LexEVS testing


Release Test Plan

LexEVS6.5.3.Release.test plan_V1.0.xlsx

Release Test Suite

Release Test Suite Entry Point


LexEVS Test Plan


LexEVS Distributed Test Suite

CTS2 Test Plan


CTS2 Test Suite

Agenda/Work Schedule

Monday, June 24th

Time (EST)LocationTopicsResources
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM7W032
Release Items Test Plan
  • Write Release Test Plan Based on the Release Items for 6.5.2 - 6.5.3
  • Implement Release Items Test Suite in side by side Pair Programming exercise
CTS2 Test Plan
  • Cory works on this remotely

10:00 AM - 10:20 AM

10:20 AM - 12:00 PM7W032
Pair Programing Exercise
  • Write Release Test Plan Based on the Release Items for 6.5.2 - 6.5.3
  • Implement Release Items Test Suite in side by side Pair Programming exercise
CTS2 Test Plan
  • Cory works on this remotely

Noon - 1:00 PM
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM7W032
Pair Programing Exercise
  • Write Release Test Plan Based on the Release Items for 6.5.2 - 6.5.3
  • Implement Release Items Test Suite in side by side Pair Programming exercise
CTS2 Test Plan
  • Cory works on this remotely

3:00 PM to 3:20 PM7W032

3:20 PM - 4:30 PM7W032
Pair Programing Exercise
  • Write Release Test Plan Based on the Release Items for 6.5.2 - 6.5.3
  • Implement Release Items Test Suite in side by side Pair Programming exercise
CTS2 Test Plan
    • Cory works on this remotely

4:30 PM - 5 PM7W032
Progress Review
  • Progress Review, Craig and interested others on a group call

Tuesday, June 25th

8:00 AM - 10:30 AM1E034
Pair Programing Exercise
  • Implement Release Items Test Suite in side by side Pair Programming exercise

    CTS2 Test Plan
      • Cory works on this remotely

10:30 AM -11AM

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM1E034
Pair Programing Exercise
  • Implement Release Items Test Suite in side by side Pair Programming exercise

  • CTS2 Test Plan
      • Cory works on this remotely

Noon - 1:00 PM
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM6W032
Pair Programming Exercise
  • Create a test plan for the full set of API's
  • CTS2 Test Plan
      • Cory works on this remotely

3:00 PM - 3:20 PM

3:20 PM - 4:30 PM6W032
Pair Programming Exercise
  • Create a test plan for the full set of API's
    CTS2 Test Plan
      • Cory works on this remotely

4:30 PM - 5:00 PM6W032
Progress Review
  • Progress Review, Craig and interested others on a group call

Wednesday, June 26th

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM2W030
LexEVS API Test Plan Implementation
  • Revise, expand and debug the legacy test code system to suit
  • CTS2 Test Plan Implementation
      • Cory works on this remotely

10:00 AM - 10:20 AM

10:20 AM - 12:00 PM

10 - 11am Room 1W032

11am - 12pm Room 2W030

LexEVS API Test Plan Implementation
  • Revise, expand and debug the legacy test code system to suit

  • CTS2 Test Plan Implementation
      • Cory works on this remotely

Noon - 1:00 PM
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM2W030
LexEVS API Test Plan Implementation
  • Revise, expand and debug the legacy test code system to suit
CTS2 Test Plan Implementation
    • Cory works on this remotely

3:00 PM - 3:20 PM

3:20 PM - 4:30 PM3W030
LexEVS API Test Plan Implementation
  • Revise, expand and debug the legacy test code system to suit

  • CTS2 Test Plan Implementation
      • Cory works on this remotely

4:30 PM - 5:00 PM3W030
Progress Review
  • Progress Review, Craig and interested others on a group call

Thursday, June 27th

8:00 AM to 4:30 PM with breaks as needed

8 – 10am Room 1E030

10 – 11am Could not get conference room

11am – 5pm Room 1E030

LexEVS API Test Plan Implementation
  • Revise, expand and debug the legacy test code system to suit
    CTS2 Test Plan Implementation
      • Cory works on this remotely

4:30 PM - 5:00 PM


Progress Review
  • Progress Review, Craig and interested others on a group call
    CTS2 Test Plan Implementation
      • Cory works on this remotely

Friday, June 28th

8:00 AM to 4:30 PM with breaks as needed 7E030
Test Plan Execution and Debugging

Execution of automated testing with debugging and adjustment of any parameters, scenarios.

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM 7E030
Wrap up, Review
  • Progress Review, Craig and interested others on a group call

  • No labels