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Sometimes a download fails due to network issues or other issues. Sometimes, you might decide to cancel a download in progress, as described in Viewing the Details of a Download Task. In these cases, consider the following steps: 

  1. Contact with details about the problem. 

  2. If the issue persists, view the details about a specific failed download request, as described in Viewing the Details of a Download Task

    Data Object Download Task Details page with a failed download.

  3. Click the Retry icon (The retry icon.), visible on the right or left side of the page. The Re-enter S3 Credentials dialog box appears.

    The Re-enter S3 Credentials dialog box.

  4. Specify the AWS access key, secret access key, and region. Click Retry. The system submits a new request, identical to the original request. A message appears with a Task ID link for the new request. 
  5. Click the link to view the details page for the new download task.
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