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New Features

  • Modified the ISA-TAB-Nano 1.1 version to address user comments. Modifications include:
    • Removed the Material Linkage column from the Material File. The Material Constituent column identifies the materials that are linked if the Material Linkage Type is specified.
    • Modified the Material Linkage Type descrption to indicate that if the linkage type is an entrapment or encapsulation, the Material Type column can specify whether the constituent is entrapped or encapsulated.
    • Rephrased Material File instructions as follows:  "Materials of different chemical composition or physical characteristics should be described in separate Material files."
    • Enhanced the definition of material Characteristics to indicate that nominal particle characteristics (or vendor supplied) should be included in the Material File as characteristics. Experimentally determined characteristics should be included in the Assay File.  


    • Fixed Material File glossary, template, and examples to reflect the above modifications

Known Issues and Workarounds

  • Currently, ISA-TAB does not support Study Grant Number and Study Funding Agency as standard fields in the Investigation Files. These fields can be added in a comments field.
  • Grouping of assays is subjective to the particular study. Recommend grouping of assays that use the same sample under one study.
  • For studies involving insertion of tumor cells into mice and the application of a nanoparticle as a treatment, the tumor cells should be parameter values and the nanoparticle should be factor values.

Version History

VersionRelease Date
ISA-TAB-Nano 1.2March 2014
ISA-TAB-Nano 1.1June 2013
ISA-TAB-Nano 1.0August 2012
  • No labels