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You can add purification techniques and instruments to a sample. 

To add each technique:

  1. On the Add or Edit page for synthesis purification of a sample, expand the Technique and Instruments panel, as described in Adding or Editing Synthesis Purification in a Sample - 2021-07-19.

    The Technique and Instruments panel.

  2. Fill in the following information.

    Technique and Instruments PanelDescription


    Select the technique (required).


    When you select a technique, Abbreviation populates automatically if an abbreviation is known. If not, enter an abbreviation.
    (TBD: This statement came from the user doc for Sample Characterization. On the Dev & QA tiers, I haven't seen any abbreviations auto-populate for any of the techniques I selected. Is this intentional?)

    DescriptionEnter a description of the technique and instruments.
    1. Click Add to expand the Instruments panel. Enter or select identifying information about the instrument used to obtain data.
      • Select the instrument Manufacturer.
      • Enter the instrument Model Name.
      • Enter the model Type.
    2. If you selected "other" from the Type list, a sub-panel appears. In this panel, in the Other Type text box, specify the type and click Add. The system adds the type to the Type list. 

    3. Click Save Instrument. The system adds the instrument to the Techniques and Instruments panel. 

  3. When you are finished, click Save Technique. (TBD: On the Dev tier, nothing happens when I click Save Technique.)

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