Download the DEC match template and populate it with information about the DECs that you want to match. The following table provides instructions for each column in your copy of the DEC match template:
Column Name Instructions Blank Column Leave empty. Batch User Enter a batch user name in each row. You can provide any text in this column. The system does not validate this column. Batch Name Enter a batch name in each row. The combination of Batch User and Batch Name must be unique. Batch Sequence Specify a unique sequence ID in each row. DEC Name Enter text for the system to use for matching DEC Names. DEC Definition Enter text for the system to use for matching DEC Definitions. Comments Optionally, specify comments. As you populate your file, keep in mind the following points:
You may add additional columns to your file for taking/keeping notes after the last template column, but the column names must be unique.
You can use your Delete key to clear the contents of one or more individual cells, but do not delete entire rows or columns.
Use the Microsoft Excel "Save As" feature to save your copy of the template as CSV.
Import the file into OneData:
Log in as described in Logging In.
From the Manage menu, select Manage Data. The Manage Data page appears. Select DEC Match. The DEC Match page appears. (For instructions on adding this page to your favorites, refer to Managing Favorites.)
From the Import menu, select Conceptual Object Import.
Select the DEC Match Import row and click Import (between Add New Mapping and Go To Data Manager).
Under Source Information, in the Import from File row, click Choose File. Navigate to and select your CSV file from your desktop.
Click Import at the bottom of the page. DEC Match displays a message with the status of your import.
Generate a list of DECs that match your file:
Click Go To Data Manager. The DEC Match page reappears.
Specify search criteria, such as all or part of your Batch Name. The format for the Date Last Modified field is MM/DD/YY (such as 03/05/22).
Click Apply Filter. Search results appear. The system displays one row per DEC.
Select the checkbox for the rows you want to match. Click Run DEC Match. DEC Match starts checking all the input columns from your CSV file against the caDSR DECs for possible matches. The process can take a while to run. DEC Match begins to fill in the number of matched DECs for each DEC Name in your CSV file. If there is only one exact match, the system automatically associates the matched result with the imported DEC.
You can navigate away from DEC Match and come back later to check whether it’s finished running. You can refresh the list of results by clicking Display Values.
Review the DECs that match your file. The following table describes the columns in the list of values:
Column Name Description Batch Name Initially, the Batch Name from your input file. Seq ID The Batch Sequence from your input file. Date Last Modified The last date a user modified this row. Initially, it is the date you ran DEC Match. Column Name The DEC Name from your input file. When attempting to find a matching DEC, DEC Match inspects the (TBD) fields. User Tip A phrase or term for DEC Match to use as a user tip instead of the DEC name from the input file. DEC Match saves only one entry for this DEC, even if it is enumerated. DEC Match does not parse the phrase into individual terms. # Matched The number of DECs that DEC Match identified as possibly matching the column. Match within Contexts One or more Contexts for the system to search for matching DECs. Match with Registration Status The Registration Status for the system to use to match DECs. Model Long Name The Model for the system to use to match DECs. Imported DEC Definition The DEC Definition from your input file. Comments Initially, the Comments from your input file, if any. Public ID The Public ID of the DEC that DEC Match identified as possibly matching the column, if there was only one. Version The Version of the DEC that DEC Match identified as possibly matching the column, if there was only one. DEC Long Name The Long Name of the DEC that DEC Match identified as possibly matching the column, if there was only one. Workflow Status Name The Workflow Status of the DEC that DEC Match identified as possibly matching the column, if there was only one. Registration Status Name The Registration Status of the DEC that DEC Match identified as possibly matching the column, if there was only one. Context Name The Context of the DEC that DEC Match identified as possibly matching the column, if there was only one. Sort Date The Date Last Modified in an appropriate format for sorting. To edit values in the Batch User, Batch Name, User Tip, Match within Contexts, Match with Registration Status, Match to Model, Comments, and Matched DEC columns:
Click the edit icon in the row you want to edit. A detail page appears for the selected item.
Make your changes:
In each text field, you may use any character except single quote (').
In the Match within Contexts field, enter one or more contexts to search for matching DECs. Separate each DEC with a comma. Do not use spaces between DECs. For example: XXX,CTEP,CCR
Click Save. DEC Match confirms the change.
- To view the next DEC from your imported file, click the Go to the next page icon (the triangle icon after Rows x of xxx).
Click Display Values. The list reappears with your changes.
To review the matched DECs, click the edit icon in the row you want to review. A detail page appears for the selected item. Click the DEC Matched Results node. Select a row and click Set Preferred.
- Download the results using the Delivery Options feature, as described in Delivering Items.