National Cancer Institute Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology
caDSR Sprint 1.23 Release Notes
January 11, 2022
The following are tracker numbers and descriptions of improvements.Description Jira Tracker Number Change Management: CSI: Ability to reassign to another CSI or delete CSI from Alternate Name and Alternate Definition Classifications. DSRMWS-1108 Change Management: Edit VM: add manually-curated Name and Definition. DSRMWS-1342 Data Migration: Use fresh caDSR production data for Sprint 1.23 deployment. DSRMWS-1381 Change Management: Forms: Differences between email and Excel download and UI. DSRMWS-1384 Change Management: Add new CD association to VM added to VD in different CD. DSRMWS-1396 API: Retrieve any administered item by public ID and optionally version. DSRMWS-1405 UI Changes: Hide Bulk Update Value Domain Attributes conceptual object. DSRMWS-1416 API: Update CTSU package. DSRMWS-1421 UI Change: Make Permissible Value columns in DE View/Browse and DE Maint object the same. DSRMWS-1428 Download: Add REDCap and Legacy CDE Browser Excel to the Download Collection Insert. DSRMWS-1432 Change Management: Delete CSI should physically delete CSI. DSRMWS-1435 Change Management: Improve the Edit VM hook displayed message. DSRMWS-1438 API: Promote the API Portal to PreProd. DSRMWS-1441 UI Changes: Data Elements - View/Browse CO: Change Language field from lookup to drop down in child filter 6.1 VM Alternate Names. DSRMWS-1450 Download: Sprint 1.22 - MDF Form Excel does not work on Stage and PreProd. DSRMWS-1476 API: Current caDSR API users CTSU Open requirements. DSRMWS-4 Downloads: Customer CDE Download in Legacy CDE Browser Excel. DSRMWS-6
Bug Fixes
The following are tracker numbers and descriptions of bug fixes.Description Jira Tracker Number Change Management: Delete Hierarchy does not delete forms with dependent modules - SAGGS. DSRMWS-1013 Change Management: Cannot set module Workflow Status to Retired. DSRMWS-1320 Change Management: Reassign CSI throw error if some AIs are already classified by both "From CSI" and "To CSI". DSRMWS-1376 Change Management: Reassign Context hook fail when try to reassign CS to a different Context. DSRMWS-1377 Change Management: Classification Management: Draft New CSI should not be hidden. DSRMWS-1407 Change Management: Create VM hook: Should only display Released CD in CD popup. DSRMWS-1419 Change Management: Change PV/VM Association Hook: Should use VD CD as VM CD if a new VM is created. DSRMWS-1420 Cannot add add manually-curated Name and Definition if VM has no concept. There is only one manually-curated alternate name and definition. DSRMWS-1425 Change Management: Edit DEC hook: Manually Entered DEC Long Name is ignored by hook. DSRMWS-1426 Change Management: Forms: System should display an error message when attempting to add a Retired CDE. DSRMWS-1427 Change Management: Classification Management: Sometimes shows duplicate CDEs in CSI-AI Relationship view. DSRMWS-1434 UI Change: Forms: Capitalize Set Default Valid Value for question hook name "Set default" to "Set Default". DSRMWS-1439 Change Management: Fail to add Blobs to Reference Document in all COs. DSRMWS-1451 Change Management: Forms: Lost privileges in Change VM Alternate Description and Change Value Meaning Text hooks. DSRMWS-1452 ALS: RAVE ALS - incorrect FormOID - adding "_1" to all form names. DSRMWS-1470 First Value missing for Check all Questions. DSRMWS-1477
Important Remaining Issues
The following are tracker numbers and descriptions of unresolved issues.Feature Symptom Workaround Jira Tracker Number Change Management CSI WFS popup is not consistent and Change Data Migration. (None.) DSRMWS-1211 Change Management Fail to create Form from Existing Form 3059592v1.0. Create the form with a protocol, then edit form and remove the protocol. DSRMWS-1286 Security Framework Create a Training and Test Curator Role. (None.) DSRMWS-1351 Change Management Bulk Edit VD: Fail to select a different Representation Term for VD. Workaround: To edit Rep Term, use Value Domain Maintenance dropdown "Edit VD" and specify Concepts. Existing Rep Term with the same concepts will be reused if it exists. DSRMWS-1372 API Deploy NCIAPIPortal to all tiers. (None.) DSRMWS-1443 ALS RAVE ALS - form not generating File or email on QA Sprint 1.23. If the collection details are edited and saved after selecting the command to generate the download, the process will not complete. Select the command again. DSRMWS-1469
Release History
Release | Date |
Sprint 1.20 | November 1, 2021 |
Sprint 1.21 | November 15, 2021 |
Sprint 1.22 | December 14, 2021 |
Sprint 1.23 | January 11, 2022 |