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Statistics Dashboard Kickoff Meeting


Remennik, LyubovNIH/NCIx

Safran, Tracy

Lucas, Jason RISx
Bauer, Scott  Mayox
Stancl, CraigMayox
Endle,  CoryMayox
Trong, TracyNIH/NCI [C]x
Whiteman, LoriNIH/NCI [C]
Cuong, NguyenNIH/NCI [C]x


Statistics Dashboard Discussion

Requirements Clarification

Discussion Points:

  • Metrics that are not in GA
    • Retrospective Report
    • Resolving IP - This is possible by the "whois" command. 
      • Tracy has a program that does this.
  • User Metrics 
    • Retrospective Report
  • System Metrics
    • Static vs Dynamic/Real time?
    • Lyuba would like to know traffic goes up/down and when page load exceeds a set target.
      • This would be real time information that we can respond to.
        • Error Notifications for the following:
          • Site is extremely slow
          • Site is down
          • Lots of traffic
        • Tracy suggested the above information is in GA.
      • This may be in the tomcat logs
    • Lyuba wanted domain of user
      • edu, com.,etc.
    • Coung mentioned that unique URLs have their own logs and config files.

Decision Points:

Proposed Architecture

Discussion Points:

  • ELK
    • Cuong - They have some experience with ELK. They can install it on our dev.
  • Sumo Logic
  • System Admin responsibilities
  • Apache Logs on Prem only store logs for a certain length of time
    • Site stats pulls logs from apache web servers.
      • These logs are stored on a shared drive for on prem apps. They could be used for our app.

Decision Points:


Discussion Points:

  • ATO conversation begun by Cloud Team
  • NIH Web Standards adherence conversation begun by Mayo team
  • Proposed ELK setup in progress with cloud configuration/administration team
  • Real time access to logs is still undetermined
    • Some realtime status are needed (see above)
    • Cuong mentioned they use Solarwinds for real time status - this is typically for system admins
    • We may still want to do our own real time status.
      • Will need to determine if file beats pulls real time or just every X minutes.

Decision Points:

  • Cuong suggested we make request to AWS for stats dashboard system.
    • dev, stage, prod  (all inside firewall)

Discussion Points:

  • What will the UI look like? 
  • We will need to know what types of views are required.
  • Lyuba would like it simple yet functional.

Decision Points:

  • Tracy and Cory should meet to start the UI design.


EVS Analytics Dashboard Project Documents

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