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Semantic Infrastructure Domain User Story 1:
Search for all "pre-cancerous" biospecimens that are available for sharing at Washington University, Thomas Jefferson University, and Fox Chase Cancer Center.

Domain Description

A cancer researcher sits down to his console with the intention of ordering some biospecimens for use at his organization. He opens the caTissue website at his lab and begins performing the search. Unfortunately, there is currently a shortage at his hospital of suitable pre-cancerous tissue. Therefore, he expands his search to Washington University, Thomas Jefferson, and Fox Chase, all of which are in driving distance so he could send a post doc to pick them up. He hits the search button, and the result from all three cancer centers are displayed on his web page. He selects suitable biospecimens, hits the print button, and sends his trusty post doc on his way.

Technical Description

Biospecimen repositories are deployed locally, as well as Washington University, Thomas Jefferson University, and Fox Chase Cancer Center. Each has their information models registered in a metadata repository, as well as has standardized APIs exposed. The local instance of caTissue discovers services with compatible metadata and APIs, and performs the query. The data returned is aggregated based on standardized metadata, and presented to the user. caTissue uses CDE names, descriptions, and standard value sets to display data, help the user build the query, and issue the query.

Cross Reference - Support caB2B Services to integrate data on grid

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