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Prerequisites are dependent upon the type of installation.  This service has two basic kinds of installations, OSG and non-OSG.


  • Installation of LexEVS Runtime and if desired the LexEVS Remote API and all dependencies
  • Web application container for Non-OSGI installation
  • If building the LexEVS Plugin the following are required:
    • Git 2.9.x
    • Maven 3.3.x
    • Java 1.8.x

Build the LexEVS Service Plugin (Optional)

See below for the pre-built plugin, Otherwise run

git clone

Change the directory to the lexevs-service.

cd lexevs-service

Change to the appropriate branch:

6.1 branch:

git checkout tags/qa_v6.1.rc8.05.2013

6.2 branch:

git checkout tags/v1.3.0.FINAL

6.3 branch:

git checkout tags/v1.4.0.FINAL

6.4 branch:

git checkout tags/1.5.0.FINAL

6.4.1 branch 

Prior to building 6.4.1 (or later), the MAVEN_OPTS variable will need to be set as described here: LexEVS Nexus Migration to NCI

git checkout tags/

6.5 branch:

git checkout tags/1.6.0.FINAL


Build the plugin.

mvn clean install

The resulting plugin will be found in the lexevs-service/target directory.

OSGI type installation

This kind of installation provides a quick way to set up a REST service and can be done against an existing installation of the LexEVS Remote API, such as that hosted by the National Cancer Institute.

Exception for the LexEVS Service Plugin

Follow the same steps for the LexEVS Service, except leave the Start Bundle box unchecked.

  • After the plugin has been installed, navigate to the Configuration tab of the Admin Console.

CTS2 Development Framework Web Console Configuration with LexEVS Plugin information

  • Verify the configuration information is correct. It is set up to use the NCI 6.0 Remote LexEVS Service.

CTS2 Development Framework Web Console Bundles screen with LexEVS Service Plugin highlighted

Non-OSGI type installation

This type of installation is more customizable and allows deployment to your own web container. Instructions are available on the CTS2 Github page Exit Disclaimer logo

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