Pre Interview:
Item |
Information/Response |
Date: |
12/09/2009 |
Requirement # unique id <SemCon Ops Initiative>.<analysts initials><requirement number> |
Init1bes7 |
Originator/Customer's Name: |
Sal Mungal |
Originator/Customer's Company: |
Duke University |
Stakeholder Community:
Software and Application designers and architects |
Summary of requirement pre-interview, by Reviewer: |
Actor: Information Specialist |
Recommended Next Step Enter one: Follow-up interview, Observe, Use Case Template (text), Use Case Model (formalized/UML diagram), Group Discussion, Prototype, Waiting Room |
Follow-up interview |
Item |
Script / Question |
Information/Response |
1 |
Hello, my name is NAME. I am calling you today because NCI and caBIG are working toward a new and improved version of the semantic infrastructure to better support integration scenarios. |
Yes. |
2 |
Do you have any solution integration needs? If so, what are they? Have you envisioned new ways of interacting with existing or new parts of the semantic infrastructure? |
Information specialist invokes a search/query using a metadata browser that interacts with knowledge or model repository). In return metadata browser returns a default table with the best hits. Information specialist should be able to customize the columns that will be presented in the search results (e.g. showing value domains, permissible values, superclasses, semantic annotations). |
3 |
Are there any business changes you are assuming we will be able to deal with? |
N/A |
4 |
Are there any capabilities you are expecting to be available to support your needs? |
Customizable metadata search results page. |
5 |
Do you use any of the existing software/services? If so, what do you like or dislike about it? |
Yes. Browsers, SIW, Curation Tool, Admin Tool |
6 |
If this requirement in met, what would be the benefits? If you do not have it, what would be the negative impact? |
Information Specialists should be able to discover/find the right/reusable data elements or model components using metadata search results. Customizable view makes it easy to find desired metadata faster in a single view. |
7 |
If, for any reason, we were not able to create that solution, do you think there might be another way to solve this issue? Can you think of an alternative solution? |
Current;y this requirement can be met using different tools (e.g. curation tool). However this tool is not being used by many information specialists and does not serve modelers well. |
8 |
Would you agree that we can summarize your requirement like this? |
A metadata browser (knowledge or model) that will return search results in a customizable table where user will be able to choose what components of metadata (e.g. DEC concepts and Value domains for CDEs, class names, datatypes) to display. |
9 |
How important is this requirement to the interviewee? Required: Customer Priority/Annotationrement Analyst |
10 |
On a scale from 1 to 3 with 1 being "not satisfied" to 3 "completely satisfied", how would you rate your overall satisfaction with the product if this requirement was met? (Relative rating/ranking of how satisfied or dissatisfied interviewee would be if this requirement were met/not met) |
11 |
Are there other requirements that you would like to share with us? I'd be more than happy to call you back another time, or if you have another 10 minutes, please share other issues you can think of. |
No. |
12 |
Who else should we talk to in order to elicit more information about this need? |
N/A |
For specific service enhancement or requirement from Forum entry: |
13 |
Can you or someone else give me a step-by-step description of how you would describe the expected performance/behavior of the software in order for you to feel that your requirement is met? |
User should be able to customize the columns displayed in search results returned by browsers. |
14 |
Forum Link: | |
15 |
URLs (optional): |
Links to pages or applications related to this requirement |
16 |
References (optional): |
Links to articles, papers or presentations related to this requirement |
Post Interview - ongoing throughout development of use cases:
Item |
Description |
Information/Response |
Requirement Type (required) |
Analyst's assessment of the most appropriate category/type of requirement (no need to ask interviewee):
Functional |
ConOp Initiative(s) |
Initiative 1 |
Use Case Linkage (required) |
Which use case(s) is this requirement linked to? (should follow Use Case numbering scheme <SemCon Ops Initiative>.<analysts initials><requirement number>.<use case number>, for example Init1dbw1.1, Init1dbw1.2, Init2dbw2.1, 2.2, etc. |
Use case Number(s): |
Conflicts / Dependencies(required) |
Are there any conflicts with other requirements / use cases? |
Yes OR No - If yes, what and why? |
Next Step (required) |
After reviewing the results of the interview, the forum, and all other materials related to this requirement, the analyst should recommend the next step, then attach the Tiny Link (on the Info tab) for this page to the Master List table. |
Combine with Customizable Download; Develop Use Case Template (text) in Round 4 |